The girls

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Left to right is

(Order seniority in the foster family and ages when fostered.

Jade:six years in the family, fostered at five years old. Zarya was thirteen.


Sweets: four years in the family, fostered at age eleven. Zarya was fifteen.

Melina:three years in the family, fostered at three years old. Zarya was sixteen.

Charlie:two years in the family, fostered at ten years old. Zarya was seventeen.

Adrian: ten months in the family, foster at three years old. Zarya was nineteen.

Melina- a small rambunctious six year old, who always finds ways to get into trouble and find things she's not supposed to. Has a tendency to go around bare foot, soon followed by sweets and adrian. She wears glasses because she is near sighted. Her favorite color is teal. Her favorite animal is a hummingbird. She comes from a Mexican background.
     Zarya was sixteen when she started fostering Melina, having gone through many escapades in the shopping centers when Melina would wander off without a trace. Almost nightmare inducing how many times, she and RJ would go sprinting off in a panic. Thoigh she still sometimes disappears, they always find her in the end.
     Only recently did Melina get glasses, their cheap but they work. That's all Zarya could ask for. Other than that, Melina keeps Zarya busy, bringing back torn pants and ripped shirts. Any dresses that aren't of an industrial strength level get shredded. Don't even speak about the number of jackets she has sewn.

Charlie- an average hieght twelve year old with a devious mind and an Irish background. She prefers to fast walk. She's a linguist with the skills of an actor and a commonly said nickname of Loki. Her favorite colors are the green white and orange, but if she had to choose, it would be forest green. Her favorite animals are snakes, any kind is fine.
     Charlie has been in the care of Zarya for only two years, but still grew an attachment to her foster mom. Zarya has paid and spent money on books upon books for this girl who won't stop reading. Charlie is a great child, though she is good at lying, Zarya only gets tripped up once or twice a week.
       though she lies, sometimes it's a good thing. No one, can spin a false tale, so beautifully like Charlie. She tells stories to the others almost every day now, telling Adrian of elves and dwarves in the woods while describing the surroundings to jade in the most inspiring ways.

Jade- a sweet and joyful eleven year old who is blind from birth but has an innocent and yet knowing gaze. She cries when she gets frustrated and if jade is sad, everyone feels it. A very open minded girl who loves the color red because of what has been described to her. Her nationality being African American. Her favorite animals are owls.
        Jade is the first Zarya took in. Zarya was thirteen when she began fostering a five year old jade. Having disliked the way the blind child was being treated, it was a no brainer. Someone so innocent shouldn't be wronged like that. Jade not only helped Zarya shape her mothering skills but also brought purpose to Zarya's life.
       At times jade can break down and just shatter completely, she's not good under stress. But each time her rag tag family will always put her back together again.

Sweets- this spunky fifteen year old, feels running and jumping is the only way to travel, having a love for the ocean makes it so she tends to loose her glasses alot. Always having an emotional switch, this Australian child can go from family friendly to quick-witted-sailor-mouthed in seconds. Her favorite color is blue and her favorite animals are marine based. Mainly the lionfish.
        Zarya met sweets four years ago, it was.. A strange meeting. Watching a cheerful girl bounce at the notion she would be living somewhere else, only to stop at the sight of the short black teen who was fifteen years old. Let's just say it took two whole years for sweets to finally get comfortable and actually chose to call Zarya "mom".
    That was a big moment for Zarya... Still, despite the mood swings and slips of emotional control, sweets is eager to help anywhere she can and holds her rank as a big sister like a badge of honour.

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