The good part

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"Fu-fuck you? B-but I'm a legally married man, and not to be a faggot or anything, but that's gay!" As he struggled to get out of the situation, Peter said with a soothing voice "Come on man, just once in the bathroom, no one will know. Besides, it's not gay if you say no homo, now is it." Shrek knew he was right, and he really couldn't leave without doing it. "Fine, I'll do it." They walked to the bathroom, and slammed the door, and put the lock on once they got in. As Shrek got on his knees, he heard laughter from within his pants, once the mighty Peter's wang wang was revealed, their was a face on his tip. "Oh ya, this is my little buddy tip, say hi tip." It went dead silent as Peter went over to take a leak. Peter zipped up his pants and put the belt back on. "Ok, now we can start." He said while Shrek pulled down the white boy's pants again. And once again he saw tip. "Just act like it's a normal weenie." Said peter.

So Shrek sucked off Peter for around an hour. Then afterwards, he began to take off his tights and bounce on Peter's cock. Heavy breathing went throughout the bathroom while Peter said "Now you fuck me." As Shrek began to think of hentai to get hard, he inserted his wang wang in Peter's crusty butthole. "Oh, i thought ogres where bigger than that." "I didn't think it would have to come down to this. ULTRA HENTAI THOT POWERS, UNITE!!!!" What Shrek had done is he became the hentai, and his wang wang grew 99 more inches thicc and longer "Wow, I've been prooven wrong." Shrek fucking tore up Peter's asshole and busted a fat one 10 hours later. "Wow, that was great. You are free to go. Shi shi nó bà." The clones disappeared after he said that.

"Thanks." Shrek put back on his tights and headed for the door, but for some reason he was still hard, 5 minutes after, is it because he liked him, no that can't be it, he said no hom- I FORGOT TO SAY NO HOMO!!!!

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