Chapter 5- Elisa

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Me and Nicole sat down and watched as Micaela Beatrice started the fighting part. I quickly texted Leo and Deluca, "they're fighting if you guys wanna come down or watch through the cameras". I didn't get a response, but that's usual. I looked at Micaela a few times and I saw something in the way that she was standing, like she already knew something, so I texted again. "I have a bad feeling about something with Micaela. You should come down just in case" I texted only Deluca. Within a few minutes I saw him in the dire way but he didn't make himself noticeable.

Micaela and Beatrice were actually fighting and might I add Micaela was beating her ass up. I was surprised because Beatrice has years of training and then Micaela comes and is a pro, just how? The. I saw Micaela give in and she let Beatrice lunch her but she was doing better than Beatrice, she was blocking literally all of her punches. I got an even worse feeling when I saw anger building up in Micaela, just by how she was moving.

She caught Beatrice's wrists and twisted them. And inaudible gasp came from my lips as Micaela started to punch and kick Beatrice, it wasn't until Beatrice was on the floor and Micaela was on top of her that Deluca came in and all of the boys were in the door way.

Deluca pushed Micaela off of Beatrice as Leo came to help her get up. I saw Micaela say something and Deluca only answered by leaning down and saying something. Damn, if only they knew that I had a huge thing for him, like ugh I wanna hit her because I know that she's taking him from me but I'm trying to live. After what I just saw, I'm not messing with Micaela.

No one stopped her as she got up and took off her wrapping and started to pace back and forth near a wall. I looked over to my right just to see that Vince was helping Beatrice with her wounds and ice. He was like the nurse if the group.

I looked back over just in time to see Micaela lunch the mirrored wall and break it, only she was never affected by the glass that she broke with her bare fists.

Deluca --

After Elisa texted me I didn't know what to think, I instantly went down just to make sure nothing actually happened. As I showed up in the doorway me and Elisa made eye contact and then we both watched the fight between Micaela and Beatrice. I was actually quite surprised that Micaela was beating Beatrice, Beatrice had years of practice and then Micaela comes in and she's instantly a pro. Just as I was getting out of my thoughts I saw Micaela start to let her guard down. But it wasn't long until she started to fire throws at Beatrice nonstop.

I was intrigued, a lot. I had to go in and separate them before Micaela did something bad. But when I did she got even more angrier. "Get off of me" She basically growled. Damn, she's hot when she's mad but I'm trying to live. Wait, I'm not scared of some little girl. "Calm down and maybe I will" I started only now noticing the position we were in. I was straddling her waist and as she tried to wiggle out of my grip, she managed to rub my dick with her thigh. Fuck. I leaned down and made my voice huskier to see if she would fall for it. "I kinda like how we are" I said with a smirk on my face.

In a blink of an eye she kicked me in the balls and man it's hurts. Shshej when I get my strength back she's gonna regret that move. I was breathing heavily but I watched her, pace along the mirrored wall and yell at everyone. They all flinched. Wow, my gang is full of people who are scared of a little girl. Great. I watched her punch the wall and fuck she didn't even notice she was bleeding.

I successfully got all of my strength back and I started to walk towards her while she was still pacing. "Micaela" I said with authority dripping out of it. She still paced but she looked up at me while doing it. "What do you want" she hissed. I looked down, trying to control my anger when I saw that she was balling her fists up with blood dripping from them. "Just stop this now. You're hurt." I said looking at her. "Get away from me" she said. " why should I?" I answered. "Just get away" she said again. I didn't listen to her and I continued towards her, she was getting angrier by the second. As I took the final steps towards her she put up her fists and acted like she's going to hit me. I didn't take that for an answer so I kept walking towards her and I tried to grab her wrist but as I did she swung at me and hit me smack on my cheek bone.

I tried to control my anger because I did not want to lash out on her or any of my members. She looked shocked, as if she didn't want to do this. But as I finally snapped I grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her along with me upstairs.

Micaela --

I guess I passed out in the basement because when I woke up, my throat was so dry. The only light that was visible was the moonlight coming from a little window near the top of one of the walls. As I tried to stand up, I failed and instantly fell back down. Now I'm feeling tired and I just want to cry, which isn't like me. They are truly changing me.

I recalled everything that happened and I looked down at knuckles, which were matte with blood. So they put me down her for no reason and they don't even bother to clean me up.


I never expected to do anything like that to her, I never wanted to hurt her. It's like my body was tired of being pinned up for so long that it had to be let loose, and she was the victim. But no lie it felt good to get all that anger and stress off of me, but she probably wants to kill me now. It was only when I went back to the basement that I noticed what had happened and all of the mess. She was really a tough one. It had been around three days since she was put down there and since I was busy with rival gangs trying to take us down, I had no remembrance of her down there.

Today was the day that everyone has been training for, and Micaela would be with us if she didn't act out. The northern gang, which is their actual name like how boring? Like they couldn't choose an interesting one like serpent brotherhood, like ours. Anyways, the northern gang has been a rival since my grandfather ran the gang. They just want what we have since we are the strongest gang in the world. But, oh they're gonna learn the hard way.

We all packed up the weapons and gear that we needed. The plan was to say that we were going to a meeting with the southern gang and The cobras knowing that the northern gang would follow and try to get us out. But we took that as an opportunity to go and snipe out anything left at their base.

As the girls packed up three cars, I went to talk to all of the guards. "If anything is to happen make sure Micaela is safe, she is in the basement and the door is locked so here is the key" I said to the group of guards and then throwing the key at the head of security, "first i want everyone to make sure that it's no one from this gang and if anyone from another gang does come, kill them ASAP". With that they all nodded and I went to the cars with the rest of the gang.

After we successfully got on the road without anyone following us Leo and Vince are in charge of keeping and eye on the northern gang. They are in the first car with me while Marco and Lorenzo are in the middle car with Elisa and Francesco is in the last car with Beatrice and Nicole. Throughout the 30 min ride the boys keep telling me on where the northern gang is, which is going accordingly planned.

We pulled up behind a patch of trees and got ready, Nicole and Leo stayed backed to keep an eye out for anything. Our plan was to kill anyone in the building, take anything valuable, and of course wreck the place. After that we all quietly ran to the 4 story house. We busted through a door where there was no guards, we found some rooms to wreck. And of course as we were wrecking the huge ass living room, about 7 guards come in. Everyone stops and looks at each other, we all nod to one another and then we take on the guards.

I fought the three toughest, using my skills that I saw Micaela used. It wasn't long until all of the guards were shot dead or beaten unconscious. "Can you tell if there are any more guards" I radioed into Leo. There was a long pause before he answered, "there are no more boss" he sounded shaken. I tucked my handgun back into my pants and talked back to him. "Leo what the fuck is wrong" I demanded more than asked. There was another long pause "They took her, boss" he said almost as a whisper. "What?" I basically yelled, "what do you mean they took her?" Vince took over for Leo since I was getting pretty angry, "Boss, the northern gang broke into our house, shot down our guards and took the girl. Basically what we just did". At this point I was furious, man was that leader sure gonna be dead.

I took a few deep breaths before turning to everyone else, "they took Micaela so if we could hurry back to the cars that we be fantastic" I said, trying to keep my cool, emphasis on trying.

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