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"Pete, I have a surprise for you," Mr. Stark said somewhat cryptically. Its was a Wednesday, so Peter was at the tower. Tony had worked it out with May that when she was around, Peter could come over on Wednesday and the weekend, and sleep there Saturday night (I completely stole this from another story, but I forget it's name and author, so just whoever you are, I liked your idea).

"We have a surprise for you," Pepper corrected. Peter walked in on the ceiling and looked confused for a moment before realizing which surface he was on (I'm getting rid of Pepper caring that he's one the floor too bc that seems kinda out of character and stuff)

"Yeah?" The teen asked excitedly.

"You're going to become a big brother!" The couple smiled at Peter, trying to gauge his reaction.

Peter tilted his head and finally said, "um, that isn't really possible."

"What? Of coarse it's possible; it's happening," Tony stuttered. How old did his kid think he and Pep were?

"Um, Mr. Stark, I can't really have siblings. My parents, they're kind of... dead."

Pepper breathed in sharply at the misunderstanding, mentally preparing herself to comfort the boy, since Tony was trash at dealing with emotions. Luckily, Peter had barely known them, and it had been so long ago anyway, so he didn't get sad thinking about it anymore.

"Right, we meant us. We're having a kid. Your sister," Tony explained curtly. He didn't mean to come off as rude, or anything, but the billionaire's actions were never the same as his intentions.

Peter's body went slack and his mouth dropped open comically. "Mr. Stark..." The kid's voice managed to go up and octave, which was practically glass shattering since his regular voice already sounded like he'd sucked helium.

"We're naming her Morgan," Pepper sighed. She smiled in mock frustration at Tony and added, "After my uncle."

"It's non-gendered, I don't see the problem," Stark shrugged.

"Tony, do you even know how naming kids works?"

"Of coarse. Find a good name and call the baby that. Then they respond to the name. Same as a dog." Pepper's throat sucked in, the tendons in it showing through her skin.

"I, um, think that whatever you want to name her is great," Peter squeaked. He hated when the couple argued, and tried his best each time to calm everyone. Pepper and Tony turned their attention to the teen and the corners of their eyes bulged a bit less.

Tony immediately continued the conversation on a slightly different route. "We're going to tell everyone eventually, but we want Rhodey to be the god father, and we're still trying to think of someone for a godmother, but do you want to babysit? You have school and patrolling and all that, but if you could make some time. I mean, she's your sister after all."

"Hey, uh, Mr. Stark, Ms. Potts? If she's my sister, does that mean that you guys are like..."

"Yes, Peter, we'd like to think of you as our son," Pepper laughed. Peter's lips separated again, and the parents watched several emotions play out on their son's face. Their honorary son. Their son.

"Wow, thank you so much, Ms. Potts. And Mr. Stark (Also, they're married, but Pepper kept her last name because she did). Oh my god, wow, thanks," Peter ramble in shock.

"Mom and Dad," Pepper corrected. Tony was attempting to not make his beaming face to obvious, but it wasn't going well for him.

"I'll try," Peter nodded. There was a short pause, so he decided to ask, "so do you know when she's gonna be born?"

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