Chapter Thirteen

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Music: [Nightcore] Soldier

Raphael POV

So I get we need to save the world, blah, blah, blah, and we need help, but why Y/N? Of all people, is she not the worst choice? *punch punch* At the same time it's not exactly like we can go putting out recruiting posters! It's just...Leo can be so annoying sometimes! *punch*

I keep punching my punchbag taking out all my frustrations.

How come we're supposed to be working with Y/N to save the whole freakin' world and we don't know a thing about her! And she sure knows her fair share about us...I'm going to keep a close eye on that one...I don't trust her, there's somethin' fishy 'bout her. One thing's for sure, I'm not going to let her hurt my brothers, as annoying as Leo is, he's my brother.

With another devastating blow, the punching bag seams burst open and the sand starts pouring onto the dojo floor.

Donny can have fun fixing it this time.

"Ouch, wouldn't like to be that bag."

Startled I turned around quickly, seeing Y/N in the dojo entrance.

R: "Y/n! How'd you get in here?!"

Y: "Same way I did last time, I walked. And be quiet your brothers are sleeping."

R: "Wh-"

Y: "I mean it might have been 'cause of the tranquilizers, but I mean they were probably tired anyway. Actually, nevermind you can be as loud as you want they probably won't wake up."


Y: "When I said you could be as loud as you wanted I didn't expect you to burst my eardrums like dude, turn it down a notch."

I run over and pin her against the wall threatening my fist at her face, she just stands there with no effort of resistance.

R: "What do you want?!"

Y: "Are you going to let me explain or are you going to punch me?"

R: "Haven't decided!"

Y: *eye roll*"Look, big guy, here's what's up, me being the pure genius I am found out more about Juno, so assuming you want to save the world with your bros I recommend coming to my warehouse tomorrow night at dusk, yeah? Here's the directions, ask Leo he knows after all the spying business he's been doing."

R: "How do we know it's not a trap?"

Y: "Here's the thing, you don't, but I'm pretty sure it's worth the risk to help stop this mutagen bomb thingy."

I lower my fist for a brief moment turn and think about what's she said, and before I know it I feel a sudden sting in my neck.

Y: "Sorry. It might sting." I hear before everything goes black.


B: "Wow that was rude!" I hear through my comm as I step over Raph and out of the dojo.

Y: "Hacking the security cams again?"

B: "Mhm. Are you coming back now?"

Y: "Hold on lemme check something first." I say walking into Donny's lab and start searching through the clutter on the table.

B: "What you looking for?"

Y: "Nothing particular, just seeing if there's anything useful I can 'borrow'...oooh what's this?" I ask no one particular. I pick up some strange device.

B: "Looks like some type of phone."

Y: "That's what I was thinking." I say looking at it closer, pressing a few buttons. The screen comes on, I click "contacts" seeing the following names, Leo, Raph, Mikey. "Oh, this must Donny's phone. I'm keeping this for sure!"

B: "I don't know what's ruder, tranquilizing them all, breaking into their lair, or stealing Donny's phone."

Y: "Hey, you got no idea how useful this will be!"

B: "Speaking of, when will the turtles wake up? You might wanna get out of there soon before they wake up."

Y: "Oh, I don't know I didn't measure the tranq very well."

B: "Wait...what narcotic did you use on them?"

Y: *nervous chuckle..."Well...I think it was elephant tranquilizer..."

B: "You did what?! That could kill them for all you know!"

Y: "I only used a milligram or so...maybe two..."

B: "You idiot!  You have no idea how much they can take!"

Y: "Ah, they'll be fine!"

I then hear footsteps coming toward me.

Oh no! I forgot...the rat!

S: "Who are you?! Where are my sons?!" 

He must be their dad..and the master! way I'm trying to fight him...think, think!

Y: "On the floor in the next room, part from Raphy boy he's lying in the dojo. So you can worry about me or go to your sons... they're bleeding out on the floor right now, I'd give them 3 minutes 'til game over."

The rat looks very alarmed and runs into the next room. Phewf, that rat isn't too wise!... At the same time though, if it were me I'd do the same I guess...oh wait I don't have a family so I couldn't make that mistake.

B: "Wow that was get outta there before he realizes your a little liar." *giggles*

Y: *smirk* "C'ya in a few."

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