How Jim Thought and Fell {Jim/Reader}

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A/n: Alright, a new chapter! Finally!

This was requested by multifandomlover7 and I am incredibly sorry because I only did 2 parts of what you requested. But I promise to do the other half. I just wanted to get something out and not leave everyone too starved. So, I hope you can forgive me!

Also, the writing style for the last half of this image was weird to write. I'm not used to writing in points like that. So, I apologize if it's horrible!

Anyways, I think I'll be putting a quote, lyric, a little bit of a poem, etc. at the beginning of each Imagine - they, of course, are not mine (I don't own them). They won't have anything to do with the Imagine unless I say otherwise. But I'll be doing that instead a long A/n like this - I'll just leave those for the end!

 But I'll be doing that instead a long A/n like this - I'll just leave those for the end!

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"There is a swelling storm
And I'm caught up in the middle of it all."

What he thinks of you:

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What he thinks of you:

    James Lake Junior absolutely considered you his everything. He thought of you as his everything. There wasn't one thing you could do that could change his mind about that simple fact - honestly, there wasn't anything.

    You were the sun that Jim so often craved just as a young plant would. The trollhunter thought of you as his replenisher, constantly refilling him with joy that comes from your rays of light. You allowed him growth - to mature just a bit more into the adult world in a normal way, and not by near death experiences.

    But unlike the sun, you did not disappear at night and let the moon come out of its hiding. No, you stayed with Jim through the night as you did in the day. Though maybe not in the physical aspect, it was definitely in an emotional one.

    Jim had always thought you were dream-like. So, what's more fitting than you actually greeting him every night when he closed his eyes? To Jim, it only proved he thought right. That you were indeed dream-like. But, do not drag Jim into the wrong with this simple statement. He only means well when he says he thinks of you as a dream - it was not an intention to make you be perceived as fake.

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