Cinder's Rage

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(Let's see what Cinder Fall is now up to now)

Whitefang Hideout: "DAMN IT ALL TO HELL AND BACK!!!!" Cinder yelled out in pure rage, she had planned to assassinate Pyrah Nykos but thanks to the Enclave Soldiers: she failed to assassinate Pyrah and she lost a Grimm Dragon as well. "Those soldiers have fucked everything up, and now we'll probably not succeed." Cinder continued, and a Faunus with Bull Horns approached and said: "I'm not going to lie, those Soldiers probably have the Best Weaponry ever. And their weapons aren't made from Dust, so that's saying something." His name was Adam Tauros, and though he was a White Fang Member: he liked the Enclave because of what they were doing. and no one never treated Faunuses like pure citizens, including some of the White Fang Members until the Enclave did. And another man in a white suit spoke agreeing with Adam: "I'll say, one of those guys blew that Grimm Dragon's head Clear Off. I'm not siding with those guys, but they have impressive weaponry and their Armor is so strong that it can shrug off even a Grimm Dragon's Fire." This man was Roman Torchwick but Cinder agreed with the two men, and she had to hand it to the Enclave: she had never seen Armor and Weaponry so powerful before.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2019 ⏰

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