Falling and Hospitals

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       I walked out of the room and down the stairs to the dressing rooms. Everyone said hi to me when I got there. We were all good friends now and we were all comfortable around each other. I went into my dressing room and put my bag down. Then  I walked back out and went to the kitchen and got some tea with lots and lots of sugar. Just as it finished brewing and I threw the tea bag away Danny walked down the stairs. What he said next broke my heart in two and I didn't even know how to comprehend what he said.

      "Harriet has been in an accident. She is being rushed to the emergency room as we speak."

     I couldn't breath. Let alone speak. I fell to the floor grabbing Tom who was next to me. "Bella? Bella are you okay?" Tom said. I didn't answer. "Harriet." I whispered. "What? Can we get some water?" Tom yelled. Genuine ran to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. "Here." She handed it to Tom. "Take a sip." Tom said to me. I tried to do what he said. I swallowed but it was dry and rough. It hurt to move at this point. "Let's take her to Matt's office." Danny said. He picked me up bridal style and carried me up to Matty's office.

      Matt opened the door immediately when he saw Danny carrying me. "What happened." She collapsed when she heard about Harriet." Danny said. "I'm not surprised. She currently living with Harriet and they became like immediate friends when they met. I would collapse too." Matt said. "Here put her on the couch." Danny laid me on the couch. He then grabbed the blanket draped across the back of it and put it on me. "Hey Bella. It's Matty. Try and get some sleep. We will wake you if there is any news on Harriet." Matt said. I closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep.

      I fell asleep for around two hours. When I woke up no one is the room. I stood and stretched. I thought about Harriet. I walked over to Matt's desk. He had a hospital pulled up on his computer. I figured that is where Harriet was since it was the only one close to her apartment. I wrote Matt a note and told him that I was at the hospital. I walked down to the dressing rooms. No one was there. They were all on the stage being talked to by Danny.

      I walked into the room and grabbed my bag and phone. I ran up the stairs and to the front doors. I just walked out of them. My car was still parked in the garage from the first day I was here. I grabbed my keys out of my bag and opened the door. I threw my bag in and turned it on. I raced out of the garage and down the street towards the hospital. I was at a red light when Matt called the first time.

      I ignored it. Then he called again and again and again. Then Danny started calling again and again and again. I turned my phone off and ignored them. I didn't want to talk. I just wanted to know if Harriet was okay. I pulled into the parking lot around ten minutes later.

      I texted Matt as I was walking into the building.

Me- I'm fine. I looking for Harriet.

M- I know. Don't do anything. Wait for me at the hospital. Don't ask about anything.

Me- I am going to do whatever I want. Your not my parent. And in this situation your not my boss either.

M- I know, but please wait for me.

Me- I'm going in.

      I then called. Danny and told him what was going on.

D- "What's going on?"

Me- "I am at the hospital. I'm looking for Harriet."

D- "I know that. Why? It's not like the two of you are dating."

Me- "um yeah about that..."

D- "You two are dating aren't you?"

Me- "Don't tell anyone. Please. She doesn't want people to know yet."

D- "I won't tell anyone. Promise. Be careful."

Me- "I will."

      I hung up the phone. I raced into the building. "I'm looking for Harriet Hayes room. I am her family." I said. "Room 113 on the left." The nurse said. I ran down the hall. "Miss!" The nurse called again. "She's in surgery." I stopped in my tracks and fell to the floor. Everything went black.

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