Sketches and Realizations

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 I was doing the news with Harriet this week and crazy christians. That was it. I read my lines over and over until I could remember them without looking at the script. I pulled the blanket back up to my shoulders and laid back down on the couch. I saw Harriets hand hanging off of the chair. I laid in a position that I could hold her hand and sleep comfortably at the same time. I fell asleep again. This time I didn't wake up until the morning.

When I did wake up it was 9:13 am. Everyone was already up and moving except me and Harriet. I was awake before her. I walked over to her chair and gently pushed on her shoulder trying to wake her. "Harriet? Harriet come one wake up." I whispered to her. She wasn't responding so I looked to make sure no one was around and I leaned down and kissed her. "Hmm. I wouldn't mind being woken up like that everyday." Harriet said yawning. I laughed and turned around. "Hey you don't happen to have any other clothes here do you?" I asked her. She pointed to a huge nice filled with jeans and leggings and t-shirts and long sleeve shirts. "Okay wow. Cool."

I picked out a dark purple long sleeve shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans. Then I slipped my shoes off and too off my pants. "Here." Harriet said. She threw a pair of clean underwear at me. "Um." I said. She held up a package. "They haven't been worn. Calm down." She said laughing. "I end up staying the night here way too often. I may as well just sell my apartment." She said laughing. "I feel like it would happen with most of the people who work here." I answered her. "Well yeah. I guess that's true." She said stretching as she stood. "Your cute when your tired." I said. "Okay wait. I'm still confused and I don't know a lot right now so none of that." She said referring to what I just said about her.

I felt bad. Like I had done something wrong even though I really didn't. "Oh. Okay. Sorry." I said turning around and putting my clothes on. I felt bad for making her uncomfortable. I mean. I wasn't uncomfortable only because I have been in relationships with other woman. But Harriet being well Harriet hasn't. So I understood but I still felt as though she was more concerned about other people than herself.

When I turned around after changing Harriet wasn't in the room. I sighed and picked up the clothes from yesterday folded them and put them on the couch. "Hey Tom!" I yelled. He waved back to me. "When are we supposed to be on stage?" I asked him. "One. They want us on stage for rehearsal by one." He said. "Thank you Jeeter." I said to him. I heard him laugh as he walked away into him dressing room.

I started practicing the crazy Christians number for later. Since it was our opening. I sang the opening note in a hum. Then I sang the chorus. "I am a Christian tried and try baptized at age eleven. So unlike the liberals gays and Jews I'm going straight to heaven." I even added the dance moves.

"Ooooo! Nice moves!" I turned around to see none other than Simon. "Oh shut up. They were not nice moves." I laughed. "Hey what are you doing later?" He asked me. "I am probably going to practice. Why?" I asked him to curious to continue to study my lines. "A bunch of us are going to the bar down the street and hanging. Wanna come?" He studied me for a moment. I looked at him and laughed. "Wait you really want me to come?" I asked him laughing. "Yeah! We all totally want you to come. Harriet seemed really excited, so don't let her down man." He said to me bumping his shoulder against mine. "You know what! Sure why not." I answered him. "Yes! I'll go tell everyone." He said hitting the wall excitedly then running out of the room.

I went back to practicing. I started where I left off. I had to hum for a little before my solo. I hummed my notes and did the moves then I had to turn and look at the orchestra. "That is not what we said." Then I did the eye roll and turned around. When i turned around i almost ran directly into Harriet. "So i heard your coming to the bar tonight." She said walking into the room. "Wow okay hi Harriet nice to see you too." I said turning around and doing my line again. "That is not what we said." Then I turned around. This time i didn't turn into Harriet i turned into Tom. "Hi!" He said. "What is happening?" I whispered to myself. I started to practice again. Tom and Harriet were talking on the couch. "That is not what we said." This time i turned and not only did I turn into another person I turned into my brother. "Oh my god! What the actual hell is happening?" I asked. I didn't get a reply i just stood there as Matt pushed passed me. "Harriet can we talk. Outside. Alone." He said. She shook her head yes and looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders. I had no idea why Matt wanted to talk to her.

"Hey. Why did Matt want to talk to her?" I asked tom when i sat in the chair across from the couch. "No idea. Okay what about a sketch about Stevie Nicks really being a witch and she puts a spell on her songs so when anyone listens to them they buy them and they can't stop listening so she gets more fans and she gets more famous." Tom said to me. "Um Yeah that's cool. Sorry I am just really curious about Harriet and Matt." I admitted. "Yeah no one can really keep up with them these days. Literally one second they are all happy and in love then the next they hate each other and having that stupid religion fight that they are always having." Tom said shrugging his shoulders. "I mean i love Harriet, but damn she can't keep that man for the life of her."' Tom said standing. "I gotta go, but will you tell Harriet about the Stevie Nicks sketch?" He asked me. "Yeah sure." I laughed as he left the room.

I looked out the little window in Harriets dressing room. Matt and her were just standing in the hallway. Harriet was making huge and fast hand gestures like she was mad or yelling at him. Matt was doing the same thing. He looked exhausted. Like he just didn't want to fight anymore. He just wanted the fighting to stop. I sighed and turned around on the couch. I loved Matt and I really liked Harriet, but Matt wanted Harriet and Harriet was confused and i hated that i was doing that to her. I decided that i would back off of Harriet. Harriet was Matts and that's how it should stay. 

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