Chapter Three - SLUMBER PARTY!!!

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Okay, yes the title is a bit hyper, but let's continue... also this chapter became longer than expected. I know this is a TwiDash FF, but there's a FlutterDash scene in here. Don't worry, it's addressed as childhood best friends.

Rainbow Dash's POV
I look at the time when I came home. 7:30. Crap, I'm going to be late for the sleepover. I told them I'd be there 8:00, but why don't I feel guilty? The past hour and a half have been awesome. While replaying the memory, I started packing. Within five minutes, I was able to stuff all my clothes and slumber needs into my duffle bag. I headed downstairs and figured I'd pop a soda for the road.
"Scoot! You'll be fine staying home alone tonight and tomorrow, right?"
"Yeah, of course! I might get scared for a bit, but I'll be fine!"
"Hmmm..." I mumbled. I couldn't just leave her alone, what if something happens? Then, I thought of something. The post-it was still in my pocket, so I fished it out and texted Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle's POV
I was busy mixing chemicals, when I heard my phone go off.
Unknown Number:
Hey, is this Twilight Sparkle? This is Rainbow Dash.
Hi, Rainbow! Yes, it's Twilight. What's up?
So, remember the sleepover? I was starting to head out, but realized Scoot would be left home alone. I was wondering... could you watch her for tonight? I'll pick her up tomorrow before noon..
Uhh... sure! Since her and Kate know each other already, I wouldn't mind watching her. Here's my address.
Thanks Twi. I'll be there in five.
Oh, god. Kate's going to kill me. She doesn't like having guests over. Why did I say yes?! "Kate!" I scream, walking out into the living room. No response, so I walked up to her room.
"Kate, what are you-"
"Huh? Oh, sorry. I couldn't concentrate, so I lifted myself upside down. What did you need?"
"Well, you need to put on your watch. Scoot's sleeping over."
"Yeah, Dash has something to do tonight and needs someone to watch Scoot, so you two can go have fun in the house tonight AFTER you finish homework."
"Okay, I'm calm about it because it's Scootaloo, but next time, LET ME KNOW BEFOREHAND!"
"I just received the request five minutes ago."
"Oh. Ugh, fine I'll set up her bedroom and put on my watch."

Rainbow Dash's POV
"Squirt!" I yelled. "You're going to Twilight's tonight!"

After literally a minute, Scoot runs down the stairs with her duffle bag and backpack. We get in the car, and it takes a few minutes to reach Twi's house. To be honest, her house was HUGE. I know I have a big two-story house, but her's was like a MANSION. And it was all her's, Kate's, and Spike's? Dam.
We walk up to the door and ring a doorbell. No noise came out, but after five seconds, Twilight opens the door.
"Thanks, Twi, again," I say with a smile while walking in.
"Yep, plus it would just mean Kate's having a sleepover. Nothing wrong with that."
"Heh, yeah."
Next thing I knew, we stared into each other's eyes again. It wasn't even intentional. It was just natural. Neither of us wanted to break away, so we stood there for a straight two minutes until we heard Scoot say, "THIS PLACE IS HUGEEE! RAINBOW DASH LOOK!"
Twilight giggled, as I walked around. My jaw dropped just looking at the living room. Their house is perfect! It looks so AWESOME for an egghead like Twilight.
"I didn't think of you as a gamer, Twi," I said, smirking, while looking at all the game consoles she had.
"Uhh, yeah, I play with Kate a lot. And sometimes when family comes over we have tournaments.. heh," Twilight replied, with a little blush of embarrassment. I don't know why, she looked cute when she's embarrassed. Wait, did I just think that? What's wrong with me. I looked at the time now; 7:45. I should have got going, but I continued looking around until I found the stairs.
"Err. Can I-"
I walked upstairs and saw an open door. Spike's room. He has his own room?! Wow. Well, I mean, it is a mansion. Moving on, I open the door across his. It's a guest room, I'm guessing where Scoot's going to sleep, since it was already sheeted and whatnot. I continued looking. Bathroom, Kate's room, which was REALLY organized when there was so much stuff in the room (also where Scoot was; I think they were doing math), Twi's room, guest room, guest room-how much rooms do they have?!- empty room, empty room, and then I reach the end of the hall. I open the room... IT'S A FREAKING PLAYROOM WITH POOL AND ARCADES AND AIR HOCKEY AND A BASKETBALL MACHINE.
My jaw dropped, as I stared in awe. Twilight, behind me, walked beside me and put her hand on my shoulder. She took a glance at my face and started giggling. I swear to god her giggling is the cutest thing ever. And I was not embarrassed to say that.
I shook my head and pouted.
"C'mon, Rainbow, don't be like that," she giggled. "Now that you know where I live, you can come whenever you want. Just make sure no one comes with you besides Scootaloo, please. You're like one of my only friends, which is sad, but not the point. Our family- me, Kate, Spike- is very isolated from-"
"Twi, as cute as your panic rambles are, you don't need to explain anything. I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to. Pinkie Promise. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Hold up, did I call her cute in front of her face? I don't know what's going on, but my face heated up.
"Thanks, Dash," she replied, smiling, with red cheeks.
I look at the time now. 7:55. Shoot. I have to go.
"Uhh, the sleepover..."
"Oh, right! It's okay, I can take care of Scootaloo. You have fun at your party," Twilight said with a genuine smile.
"No need to thank. Now, you don't want to be late. See you tomorrow!"
"See you, Twi."

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