Start from the beginning

"Yeah! About to leave."

"Great! Let's go to the club and celebrate tonight."

"Celebration? What's the occasion?"

"Didn't chairman tell you that you'd be the new project manager?"

"Yeah! But it's not officially confirmed. And I'm tired. I want to sleep."

"So what if it's not officially confirmed? We'll party again then. And just sacrifice your sleep for one day. I've already decided."

"Do you want me to come to a club in office clothes?"

"Don't worry. I'll bring the clothes for you. You can change. And no more excuses now. You know I won't change my plan. Be there within an hour. Bye!" She disconnected the call.

"Agh! She never listens to me!!"

"Is it important? I'm not in the mood." Dylan said again while getting ready.

"Since when you became so boring? The Dylan I know loves clubbing."

"When did I say I don't like clubbing? I'm just tired and want to rest."

"That's what you've been doing from last five hours. It's 8PM already." XiZe replied. "Stop throwing tantrums. I even cancelled my date for you!"

"Such a huge sacrifice. How will I pay you back?" Dylan mocked.

"By going to the club with me. Trust me you'll have fun there."


"Where are you? I've reached." Yue was walking towards the entrance of the club.

"Come inside." She answered.

"Okay!" Yue entered inside and walked towards Jia who was standing with a bag in a corner.

"Here it is! Go and change." Jia handed her a bag.

Yue took the bag from her and went inside the washroom to change. She changed, straightened her hair, did a little touch up and came out.

"Go inside and order the drinks. I'll be back in a second!" Jia went outside to keep the bag in the car.

The loud music and dim neon lights greeted XiZe and Dylan as they entered inside the club. Club was packed. Some people were dancing, some were drinking at the bar, some were having fun at their tables and some were in the corners.

"This club has changed a lot."

"Of course. It has been six years. Everything changes with time. Now this is the most happening club of Shanghai." XiZe explained. "Come let's go for a drink!"

They both sat the bar and ordered their drinks.

*Ring Ring*

XiZe's phone rang. He looked at the caller's name and sighed.

"I need to pick this one. I'll be back." He rushed out from the door.

"He will never change." Dylan took a sip from his drink.

Yue came to the bar and sat next to Dylan. She ordered the drinks and then started checking her emails. Dylan too was busy in texting his friends.

"Sorry! It took so long. But you know how much girls talk, right? But I turned off my phone now. So no more disturbance." XiZe sat on his other side.

"Stop behaving like my girlfriend." Dylan joked as he put his phone on the counter.

"Ma'am your drinks are ready." Bartender said.

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