Fated Instruments

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Amaris stared at the fallen body on the ground in disdain. Her mother had not been a coward to say the least, but she was no better than the fugitives that roamed the streets selling unlicensed products and conning unsuspecting civilians out of their own properties.

Amaris had known that Selene had killed her father 3 months prior to this eventful scene, but was unsure as to how much she could compete with her mother's power. Killing her had taken weeks. Amaris had to spend so much exhausting time trying to breach the defences of her mind without triggering any sort of bioelectrical alarms. After she had found her weak spot, Selene could be killed within seconds.

And that's exactly what happened.

          Selene's body lay motionless against the throne room floor of the New Beijing Palace. The pull of gravity had done its work on her body as Amaris had done to her mind. The sickening colour of crimson blood stained the areas around her head where the skin had split open upon impact. It made Amaris wish she would have forced her to lay down, or at least sit before turning off every functioning cell in her mother's body.

          Unlike many of the Lunar aristocrats, her mother's glamour was used to accentuate her current face and body, smoothing lines and reversing ages to create a stunningly unnatural look. This natural being, with space vacant for a soul, was nothing like the woman she had grown up knowing.

She had rid the world of the rule of a sinner. Now she would rid the world of all dishonest faces.

Her mother had been correct, that without her, she would never have had this chance. But what Selene was really saying was, the ends justify the means— the quote of all criminals who claim to be making a better world.

But now, she was the ruler of all identified life in the galaxy. She was no longer held back by any form of barrier, and now she could do that which she could only have previously imagined.

She would create a perfect world by resetting the values of all life; starting with the ones who corrupted it.

Man was far from being inherently good, and playing god was the one way to fix it. Humans had a consciousness that made them make choices for themselves. Whether honourable or disastrous, it was the people who chose who created disasters. The only true loyalty were those who were programmed to listen. Machines had no conscious; they simply followed orders and codes. If you programmed them into being unable to assault another, they would never do it. Give it a choice, and it would still follow the preprogrammed ideals.

Burn this into a human mind, and you would never see society fall beneath the expectation of perfection.

After the perfection of society, they could recreate their bodies into those of equal strength and intellect. No one would have a greater advantage which created the lust for power, and no one would have limits or weaknesses that they could exploit as a way of contributing less. If she truly believed that all this could be accomplished in her lifetime, Amaris could even default to erasing currency and trade all together. If everyone could limit themselves to what was needed, and distribute all resources evenly, then everything would be whole.

But man was not capable of this if they had free will.

Free will was the fault of democracy, education, and gain. Free will was the fault of criminals, workers, and leaders.

Free will is the end of all humanity.

The only things that caused trouble in the universe was free will.

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