Chapter 11

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I had done it. I made it behind the doors that had called to me all these years... and now I was trapped behind them. This time I wasn't alone but it was almost worse now that I realized what this room was and who I was trapped with. My tears still trailed down my face as I stared at the deactivated, resting, animatronic my brother had been stuffed into. Vincent had killed him just like he'd killed the rest of us.

"I knew he hadn't abandoned me here..." I sniffed and wiped at my eyes once more. "Has he been asleep this whole time? He barely recognized me..."

My gaze fell to the unconscious night guard; blood has dried on the floor around him and his breathing was growing uneven. He'd been growing worse throughout the day, though I wasn't completely sure how long I'd been stuck here considering the usual noise of the restaurant were blocked out in here.

"He'll be dead soon. Just like all the other guards before him... Wonder if Vincent will kill his partner too..." I hoped not.

A movement drew my attention back to the injured man on the floor. His eyes were glazed and his body shook violently as he tried to move and drag himself- where to I wasn't sure considering there was nowhere for him to hide. I glanced back at the faint blood stain on the wall- my blood- before stepping out from where I'd died and walking over to him.

"You hurt my brother." I stated, thinking back to the new tear in the animatronic and reinforced stench of rot being re-exposed to fresh air.

At first I wasn't sure Ash heard me. His head was resting back on the ground but eventually he seemed to gain enough sense to turn his eyes towards me; he looked like a living corpse. A zombie like the ones from the shows my brother occasionally let me see in the past.

"...Dead... a-aren't... y-ou." He finally got that through his head, huh?

I nodded and sat down 'Indian style' as my teachers had once called it and stared down at him. "You will be too you know... but... but I don't think you'll become like us."

Fear crossed his gaze but the fact he tried to lift his head up to look at the door made me guess it was more for his sister than his own painfully inevitable end. I looked back at what had become of my brother with the feeling of fresh tears threatening to fall. Was that how he'd looked when he'd tried saving me and ended up dying?

"They almost could be mirror images of each other actually... if the night guard didn't look so tired and dead all the time." I heard a scrapping noise followed by a hiss of pain and limp form flopping back to the ground. "...You shouldn't move. You'll wake him up. I don't think I can stop my brother from killing you... He doesn't know you or that you're a victim like us. He's still trying to protect me, just like he died doing."

Silence fell in the room. Eventually I realized it was because Ash had passed out again, which wasn't an encouraging sign for how much time he had left. I eventually got up and took a place next to my brother in the corner, not that there was any indication that he noticed. It was still somewhat comforting being together with him again though despite the tragic situation.

The sound of a door unlocking seemed abnormally loud but the metallic thud and scrapping of a struggle was what made me retreat back behind the shelves where my body used to lay while Ash jolted and dragged himself further from the door in a panic. A body was shoved inside roughly and the female staggered from the force, though she looked angry more than anything else. Vincent followed her in and shut the door behind him, cutting off the brief sounds of the show on stage down the hall.

"Bastard, who do you think you are?" Her red hair was wild from her struggles and I watched as she tried attacking Vincent only to be grabbed by the throat and thrown down.

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