Chapter 28

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The next morning was beautiful. The sun shined bright in a cloudless sky, a light breeze helping cool the already rising temperatures but Angel opened his eyes already hating the day.

"Hey," Carrie said quietly as she continued to get dressed. "Joey's right there," she gestured to her side of the bed. The baby was dozing, happy to be cuddled up in bed with his father, while Carrie hurried to get ready.

"Okay," he grumbled. Rolling over he kissed the baby's cheek, grimacing as the boy grabbed a handful of his hair and yanked. "Only your mom can do that, kid." Angel carefully opened Joey's hand to free himself.

"Rough night?" She asked Angel, glancing at him in the mirror as she swept her freshly dyed brunette bangs from her face and powdered her nose. "You were tossing and turning worse than me and I'm in my third trimester."

"Tweaked something in my back," he lied, "Just couldn't get comfortable." Angel rolled onto his back again and pulled Joey to lay on his chest. "I don't know if I can do this, Car."

"What?" She turned around to face him. "Do what?"

"Be a father, a good father, a good husband," he explained.

"Husband?" She whimpered.

"The closer you are to me the more danger it puts the three of you in," he sat up, still holding the baby close to his chest, "I can't risk you guys."

"Angel," she said with a nervous, disbelieving chuckle. "What the fuck?"

"I love you," he told her. "I love you and Joey and Marisol but I gotta put some space here." He watched as her breathing quickened and her face turned red. "I'm sorry."

Carrie's jaw hung open as she glared at him. "No," she huffed. "Why are you doing this?"

"Potter. Galindo. Los Olvidados. Take your pick."

She shook her head. "We can deal with them."

"Please, Car," he sighed. "Listen to me."

"No you listen to me," she said with a growl. "You are NOT doing this. I won't leave. I'm NOT leaving."

Angel stood and placed the baby back on the bed. He didn't move closer to her, concerned she would hurt herself in an attempt to attack him in her rage. With hormones and her blood pressure only making matters worse he was trying to keep her from freaking out.

"I'm doing this for you."

"Bullshit," she spat. "Tell me what's really going on."

"I killed Kevin," he spat. "Me and Coco went up there but I did it. I shot him in the head."

Carrie gasped and slapped him. "You think I didn't know that? You think I couldn't see it in your eyes when I told you about this baby?" The fury in her eyes scalded him each time he met her gaze. "You only told me that to hurt me."

Looking away from her, Angel shook his head. "No. I told you that because I'm looking at the needle if I don't sort this shit out."

"Sort what out?!" She hollered. "Talk to me you selfish asshole."

Angel huffed. "You should get outta here. Go to your sister's."

"Go fuck yourself," she snapped.

"It's just for a few weeks," he told her. Losing his edge and beginning to break down. "Please. I'm doing this for you."

"It's the wrong thing," she warned him.

Angel took a tiny velvet box from the bedside table and put it in her hands. "Put this on. Promise me you won't take it off. Ever. And we'll be back here before that baby is born. I swear."

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