Chapter 13

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Carrie and EZ met at the gas station and waved at one another but didn't actually speak before they arrived at the clubhouse. She jumped out of her SUV and gave him a long, tight hug.

"It's good to see you."

"You too," he said. "Grab the baby and we can head in," EZ said, gesturing to the trailer.

"Oh I didn't bring him," she said casually as she walked passed him toward the door. "Kevin doesn't know yet and it felt safer."

"He's at the house?" EZ asked darkly.

She turned around and looked at him through squinted eyes. "Yeah. Why?"

"Uh, no reason," he said quickly. "Just figured you'd bring mi sobrino."

"Sorry," she shrugged. "It's nice to be off duty though."

"I'll bet," he pulled his phone out as she stepped inside the trailer. "I'll be right there."

"Hey," she turned around quickly. "Think you can bum me a cigarette from one of the guys?"

"Yeah, sure," he was already walking toward the clubhouse as he said it. Calling Angel, EZ hurried into the building, trying to will his brother into answering the call. "Come on, asshole," he grumbled, but the voicemail still picked up.

EZ sent his brother a text before attempting to call Coco. Bishop couldn't do the deed with Angel as promised, there was still a little too much tension and anxiety with the Galindo issue for him to leave.

"Yo," Coco answered quietly. "What's up?"

"The baby is at the house," EZ said quickly. "Get Angel and get outta there."

Almost as soon as EZ called Coco, Angel forced his way in the front door. "He's already in there," Coco said, watching through the large bay window.

There was a moment of stillness between the cousins as they made eye contact but it was short lived. 

"What are you doing here?" Kevin asked Angel, shoving him back toward the door.

"Sorry cuz," he said, grabbing Kevin and searching him haphazardly. "Get in the kitchen."

"What else do you want from me?" Kevin asked him, staying in his place defiantly. "You already took my wife."

Angel shook his head and pointed toward the kitchen with his gun. "This ain't about that, now go."

"What's it about?" Kevin didn't move.

"I'm sorry, I... I gotta kill you," Angel huffed and aimed his gun at Kevin's head.

"Kill me?" Kevin asked, taking a step back and pulling his gun from the table. "Cause of EZ's deal or because of Carrie? If she finds out, you'll lose her too. She'll never forgive you, primo. Trust me."

Seeing the words had shaken him up, Kevin took the opening and shot at Angel. He only grazed him though, giving Angel the chance to fire back. That bullet hit Kevin in the chest and sent him backward and down to the ground. He wasn't dead, not entirely, and he used the last of his strength to fire one wild shot before Angel charged and fired a final bullet into his head. It all happened in the blink of an eye but it felt as if time had slowed to a near stop in the house.

"EZ made a deal?"

Angel heard the words from the kitchen and instantly knew the voice. It was Coco, who looked equal parts furious and sorrowful. There was blood staining his shirt, he'd gotten hit in the shoulder by Kevin's stray shot but he didn't care, he hardly noticed. Coco had only one thing on his mind.

"EZ made a deal and you knew?"

Cutting through the silence was Joey's sudden wails from the his bedroom. "Fuck," Angel looked at the ceiling, his heart aching more now. "He's not supposed to be here."

"Angel," Coco grabbed Angel as he tried to head for the steps to get his son. "What deal?" Coco practically snarled.

"I just saved your goddamn life," Angel said to Coco, "And that's what you ask me? There is no deal, the DEA was pressing my brother for info on Galindo cause of his history with Emily, but he never gave up shit. End of."

Coco was still holding Angel's kutte, blood running down his arm from the wound. "Alright, end of." Coco didn't know if there was more but he accepted what Angel was telling him and Coco trusted him more than most any other human he knew.

"Lemme get my son,"Angel said, pushing Coco's hand off of him. "Then we'll figure all this shit out."

Sorry for the shortie, I've got a raging headache! Please vote and comment, lovelies!

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