Chapter 25

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The next morning EZ, Gilly and Coco met up early to head out to visit Angel and Carrie. Angel had run out for donuts and coffee, neither of them wanting hospital food, and they had just started eating when the door opened.

Hellos and how are yous were exchanged as Coco sat in the last free chair and the other two stood awkwardly with their arms crossed.

"Yo, guys" Angel said once pleasantries were over, "I gotta talk to you." He gestured to the hallway and the three men nodded, sharing a suspicious look, and headed out the door again. "You okay?" Angel asked her, clearly anxious over the impending conversation.

"I'm good," Carrie assured him. "Angel, don't worry, they'll understand."

He wasn't so sure. "Yeah, they will," he said quickly. They were all staring at him expectantly as soon as the door opened.

"What's going on?" Coco asked.

"After yesterday, I'm seeing shit different," he huffed. "I got a family. I can't be sneaking over the other side, stepping outside the club."

"You can't help Adelita," Gilly said. "That's what you mean."

"This was your idea," Coco said angrily. "You brought us into this shit and you're gonna walk away now?"

"You said it," Angel snapped at Coco. "I got my girl and my kids now, those were your words, bro. If something happens to me I got three people I'm leaving alone."

"I get it," Gilly said sadly, "But you can't just walk away. What about moving the club forward? Helping us survive? What about Adelita?"

"Adelita is," he shook his head, "She's capable. We gotta find another way guys can keep going, keep helping."

"Shit gets hot and you're gonna push it off on us," Coco scoffed.

"It's not like that," Angel huffed. "You said this shit, you put it in my head!"

"I meant to stop being fucking stupid," Coco hollered. "I thought it was cause you were in love with Adelita," he said mockingly, "I thought she made you stupid, but it's not her. It's you."

Angel felt like garbage. He knew they weren't going to be thrilled by his step back but he didn't think Coco would be so angry.

"I support it," EZ said firmly. "We can handle it. Angel's gonna be too busy. The baby isn't even born yet and look at this mess, it's better with just us."

There was a tone EZ was using that Angel couldn't place. It wasn't a good one though. "You guys got a problem or need to bounce some shit off me, I'm there, but it's not just me I'm risking anymore."

"So we shoulder all the risk for your decision," Coco nodded. "Fine."

"The risk is the same. Shit comes out I'm gonna have your backs."

"You better tell her," Gilly said sadly. "She barely trusts us."

Angel exhaled loudly and nodded. "Yeah. Alright. I'll talk to her."

"Come on," Gilly said, feeling bad for Angel, "We should get outta here."

"I'll let you know when I talk to her," Angel called out. "I'll be by later."

Just like Coco said earlier, Angel was making really stupid choices as of late but he was trying to fix that. Instead of going to talk to Adelita alone, as he was first going to, he brought Gilly. When she saw them arrive unannounced, Adelita knew something wasn't right.

"What now?" She asked, almost joking after his last debacle.

"Adelita," he said with a heavy sigh. "I gotta step back."

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