I chuckled amusingly as the two exchanged conversation back and forth for a few minutes. Finally Renesmee curtseyed again. "Entrez s'il vous plait." She finished before stepping back.

I looked at Edward, at a loss for words. What had they been saying? What was so amusing to Edward. Why haven't I tried learning another language yet? I was the wife to one of the smartest humans alive, the mother two the smartest child alive yet I had an IQ of the average person. I needed to make it a priority to study up and learn some things.

Edward dropped to his knees and began moving forward on his knees through the small doorway that was constructed to fit a child. I followed behind him and soon found myself in a beautifully decorated mini mansion. The furniture was all built to fit children and we were twice that size so every move we made caused something to inch forward.

Renesmee said something else in french before she disappeared through a small door. Where did she go?

"What were you and Renesmee talking about at the front door?" I asked, curious to the moment I wasn't able to fully be a part of.

Edward moved around a few items before he sat flat on the floor. He then pulled me onto his lap and nestled his chin gently on my shoulder. "Renesmee is playing 'pretend' that she is all grown up. The young lady who answered the door wasn't our daughter but her 'maid'." Edward said with a slight chuckle.

I snickered. "She's be reading alot of Anne of Green Gables." I admitted.

The door opened again and out came Rensmee. This time she was dressed in what Alice referred to as 'classic lolita'. It looked very old school and reminded me of the outfits people wore in the victorian and edwardian era.

She curtseyed like a young lady did back in that century and then smiled sweetly. "Hello father, mother what is it that brings you to call unexpectedly?" She asked formally.

I let out a shocked breath as I looked to Edward. He moved his lips to my ear. "Just try and play along." Edward encouraged.

I nodded my head before turning to look back at my daughter who was still beaming brightly. Clearing my throat I spoke. "I have come to thee to give thy word that thy family will be moving when Sunday comes round." I gliggled slightly at my attempt of proper sentences.

Renesmee laughed as she lifted the bottom of her dress and ran into my and Edwards arms. We fell backwards  onto the floor and began laughing. "Where are we moving to momma?" Renesmee asked jubliantly as she patted my face.

The memory of her taking my thoughts and memories came to the front of my mind. I grew curious to see whether or not she could do it again.

Renesmee stopped patting my face only to hold her hand there and then I felt as if my mind was in rewind. Everything that happened began flickering backwards before it froze on a certain memory of Edward and I talking about the move.

"Where would we go?" I asked curiously, wondering where my daughter would be sleeping these next few days.

"Denali, we have a home out there near our cousins that is secluded far from humans." Edward said.

Renesmee then let her hand fall slowly. I blinked a few times to readjust to what I had just experience through my daughters second half of her gift. On her face was a blank stare. "Renesmee?" I called, awkwardly.

She sucked in a huge breath before she began clapping her hands. "I get to see Katrina!" She squeeked.

"Kate." I corrected.

During the days of practicing my sheild before the great stand before the Volturi Kate helped me to gain control of my gift. In our practice sessions Kate grew close to Renesmee and Renesmee to her. I was fond of Kate and thankful for her help but I wasn't fond of the props she had turned both my husband and daughter into.

Edward moved his hand to graze over mine. "No, Renesmee is correct her given name is Katrina but she goes by Kate." Edward recorrected me.

"Ah see Renesmee even children can teach adults and mommies things." I said proudly to my daughters knowledge.

As I moved one of my limbs I noticed a slight stiffness to my joints. I needed to stretch my legs and fast before I ended up like a Volturi. A shivered to myself as I remembered their papery skin and figures more statue then human like the Cullens.

I adjusted Renesmee so she was no longer sitting on my lap. "Sorry love but momma needs to stretch her limbs." I said before I began army crawling my way out of the playhouse.

As soon as I had the space to do so I rose to my feet and dusted myself off. Behind me by 3 seconds was Edward and then Renesmee who came out a minute later dressed in her normal clothes.

"What were you doing in there?" Penelope asked Renesmee.

I looked a couple feet behind her and saw Matthew standing there. Just like the first time I met him he was following his sister. The only question was why? Why was he so drawn to protect his sister, did he know something that we didn't?

Emmett walked across the yard and then knelt before his son. "Hey buddy what would you think about spending the day with daddy tomorrow?" he asked, flashing his pearly whites.

Matthew wrapped his arms around his father and held him closely. "Can we go watch football?" he asked in his small voice.

Emmett lifted his son into his arms. "Male bonding time it is." He chuckled. "But first we have to go shopping, your mother wants me to get you some new clothes from school."

I looked down at Renesmee as I felt her tugging on my shirt. "Momma am I going to go to school too?" She asked.

"Of course." I replied.

For the rest of the night Renesmee didn't stop talking or even thinking about school. She was excited to get to do something that both her and my father had done during our lifetimes. She was eager to learn more and make friends. She was excited to get to sit in a desk and have a school teacher.

Before school though there would be the move. If Renesmee wasn't so happy for the change I would be more reluctant to go at all. This change would consist of moving out of Forks and away from the lower 48 states to Alaska.

I would be several hundred miles away from the only living 'human' relative I had left in my life. The ocean and Canada would seperate me from my father and the only means of him ever being able to see me would be by one of us either flying out or driving up north, through Canada and into Alaska.

What would happen if my father got sick or needed me, I wouldn't be able to just rush over to his house I'd have to spend two days driving or take two planes from point a to point b.

Taking a deep breath I closed my eyes.

Twilight Breaking Dusk - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now