Chapter 2: Worse Than Anticipated

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When Y/N arrived that night, the door opened wide to a smiley, cheerful couple.

"Hello, Y/N! How are you?"

"Good! And you?" Y/N walked in.

"Good! This is Kira, Zander and Danny," Mrs. Garza pointed to a girl who looked around the age of 10, a boy who looked about 7 and another boy who looked a year or two younger. "And this.." Mrs. Garza pointed to a tall guy with reddish-brown hair, "is Albert. The other babysitter I told you about."

"Nice to see you, Albert," Y/N put her hand out, knowing who stood in front of her.

"You, too," he shook her hand back.

"Oh, you two know each other?" asked Mr. Garza.

"Yeah, we're in the same class."

"Oh, well, that's good. Better to work with friends than strangers."

"More like acquaintances," Albert muttered, only loud enough for Y/N to hear and nod her head slightly in agreement.

"Food is in the fridge, bedtime is 10. We'll be back at midnight, have fun!" Mr. Garza waved as they walked out.

When the door shut, Y/N asked in a different tone, "So, what do you guys want to do?"

"How about we keep you two hostage and do whatever we want?" Kira suggested with a smile.

Y/N put her hands on her knees, lowering her eye level. "Now, Kira, I don't think we should do that-"

"PILLOW FIGHT!" Danny took a pillow from the couch and started whacking Zander.

"OH, NOOOO YOU DON'T!" Zander swiftly grabbed another pillow and whacked him back. Kira laughed and joined the fun. Y/N and Albert watched for a moment or two until the three started attacking them.

"Stop!" Y/N yelled, grabbing the pillow that Kira attempted to whack Danny with, "this isn't how children should behave! It isn't acceptable or nice at all!"

"What're you gonna do about it?" Danny stuck his tongue out. He's worse than Adam,
Y/N thought.

"Tell your parents," Albert grabbed the pillow out of Danny's hands and put it on the couch, only to cause Kira and Zander to hit

Albert ripped the pillow out of Kira's hand after a tug-of-war between the two for a few seconds. "No. Whacking. Each. Other."

"Or us," Y/N glowered.

"You're not the boss," Kira hissed and ran off, Zander and Danny following. They went upstairs, so Y/N and Albert followed to make sure they wouldn't be trouble, though trouble was an understatement.

What a night this was going to be.

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