Chapter 1: I Got The 'Job'

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Y/N= your name
If someone wants a version with male or non-binary pronouns, I'd be happy to make different versions! Just let me know. I have made a version with male pronouns already. :)
(iwant_tobeacat on Instagram or Twitter, or here on WattPad)

Y/N sat at her desk, doing her homework. She was trying not to suck at it, because last time she didn't do a whole lot of good on it. The only thoughts that have been swirling in her head were of her mom telling her she needs to earn some extra cash. Her weekly allowance wasn't doing it for her and she needed something to buy her coffee in the wee hours of the morning before school.

The phone rang loud, and before Y/N could get it, her mother jogged into the living room to answer.

"Hello, Kelli speaking... oh, really? Oh, goodie! I'll give the phone to her." she scurried over to Y/N, and quickly handed her the phone while whispering, "It's the Garza's— our new neighbors. They have a babysitting job for you!"

Y/N took the phone, the opposite of ecstatic. "Hello?"

"Hello, Y/N! Would you like to babysit our kids? 5 bucks an hour,"

"Sure, why not?"

"Good! Oh, and there will be another babysitter there, too,"

The heck, she thought. "Why's that?"

"Our kids can be.. trouble makers. Safety in numbers! You'll start this Saturday night, from 4pm-12am. Sound good?"

"Yep, sounds great. I'll be there! Have a good day! Bye!"

"You too, bye!"

Y/N hung up, excited to earn money for once, even if it wasn't a lot. But she was mostly excited because her mom hopefully won't be nagging her anymore. Jobs were never her thing, but babysitting didn't seem too bad.

"Did you accept?" Kelli walked back into the room, grinning.

"Yep! Sounds like something I may enjoy," she picked her pencil back up after remembering homework still existed, "if it's fun, I'll do it again."

"My little girls got a job!" Kelli rubbed the top of Y/N's head like she were a dog.

"Mom, I'm going to babysit little children. Calm down,"

"Doesn't mean I'm not allowed to be proud!"

"Of course," Y/N smiled, "was that rhyme intentional?"


Kelli's enthusiasm made Y/N happier, knowing her mom was proud of something she has done, or will done... what is English anyways?

Then she remembered homework exists. Again. "Mom, I have homework to do,"

"Sorry, honey. Good luck with homework!"

Kelli walked out of the room when Y/N heard giggling. She looked to her feet and saw her little brother, Adam, snickering by the stool. She slapped her pencil to the table and complained, "What do you WANT, Adam?"

"You're babysitting with another person."

"Yeah, and?"

"You're going to get a BOYFRIEND!" Adam couldn't stop laughing.

"MOM!" Y/N yelled, "HE'S BULLYING ME!"

"Stop bullying your sister," she heard from down the hall, "She did nothing to you."

Adam stuck his tongue out at Y/N who stuck her's out back, and he ran out of the room.

Lordie lord.

Are those reasonable baby-sitting hours? I honestly don't know.

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