First (Part 1)

Começar do início

     I waited a bit.

The cats are here with me :❤bf❤

Me: im coming over

                ❤              ❤

     Me and Shota sat together on his couch in some awkward silence. Honestly, I was scared. I didn't know if he was asexual or not. I sweated in fear of rejection. He coughed. "This is the first time you came over speechless."

     "Well, " I started and scratched my neck. "You know I'm gonna be leaving in a couple days and not coming back for at least a week and a half,"

     "Yeah..." Shota nodded.

     "So, I, uh, was wondering if you'd like to have sex with me?" My heart was pounding out of my chest and my face as red as a strawberry. I looked at him. He turned his face away in either disgust or embarrassment, I couldn't tell. I waited there for few seconds which felt like hours.

     "-ay..." He mustered.

     "Huh?" I said.

     "..Okay... " He said in the softest voice ever. He turned back around to face me and his face was redder than mine! I sighed in relief and kissed his forehead. "Really?" I asked. He nodded.

     Step one : complete.

     "Is there anything I can do to make you feel 'extra' good?" I asked shyly. Shota hid his face with his sweater and shrugged. "I've never done it before, so I don't know what I like." He muttered.

     "Thats perfectly fine!" I exclaimed, waving my hands around.

     Step two : complete?

     Step three : prepared for.

     "Should we go to my room then?" Shota asked innocently.

     "Yeah." I breathed. He grabbed my hand and led me to his room, as if I didn't know where it was already. We sat down at on his bed. Do I just lean in or..? I asked myself right before Shota pressed his lips onto mine. He cupped my cheek as I kissed him back. I accidentally leaned in too far and ended up pushing him on the bed. I broke the kiss, "Sorry!" I said, hovering above him. "'sfine." He said stroking my arm. "Just a little excited, huh?" He glanced down and I followed suit. Turned out little Hizashi had just arrived. Shota smirked, "That was fast, huh?"

     "Well, "I grinned and looked him directly in the eye. "That is what's supposed to happen, right?"

     Shota's smile was wiped away, blush rushing to his cheeks. I captured him in another kiss and pressed my body on his. He wrapped his arms around my neck as my tongue entered his mouth. We continued like that until both of us ran out of breath. Then, I went down to his neck.

     I moved some of his hair away and pressed soft kisses on his skin. His breathing was heavy, uneven and hot. I could tell he was getting excited too. I kissed more harshly on his neck and started sucking. I mentally smiled when I saw a small purple bruise-looking patch on Shota's pale skin. I sat up on him and took off my shirt.

     Shota hesitantly followed suit. I went back down on his neck, kissing and sucking on it.

     "A-ah..." Shota actually moaned. "Sorry..." He said covering his mouth. "No, it's okay!" I moved his hand. "It's okay..." I repeated. I sat up. " Shota, " He looked up at me. "Make sure you're completely honest with me. Tell if I'm going to fast or if it hurts or something. Okay?"

     Shota looked at me and smiled genuinely. Wrapping his arms around my neck he said, "I'm really surprised. I thought you were going to truck it here. I really appreciate how careful you're being. So be gentle on my virgin ass, alright?"

     I smiled back.

     "Will do."


Well the first part of the smut. This so difficult for me to write so please enjoy. P.S. This is very consensual.

Just Friends?  [Highschool!( Aizawa x Hizashi) ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora