Fitz: Quality Dinner Time

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"Cammmmmm" You groan loudly at the tall man. "Yes?" He asks as he pulls bowls out of the kitchen cabinet, looking for the correct one. "Do we have to make dinner? We can just go get food." You whine at him while tugging on the hem of his shirt. "We can't eat out everyday (y/n) we have to live like normal humans once in a while." You sigh loudly and jump up onto the counter which was a task within its self. "Is Chicken Alfredo okay? It's Swaggers family recipe" Fitz says as he starts pulling milk, cheese, and more ingredients from the fridge. "I guess." You mumble. Cam sighs and slams everything down onto the counter. He walks over to you and towers over you. Cam of course was tall but he was at least a foot and some inches taller than you, making you look extra small when you were beside each other. "Please don't give me attitude babe. I'm just trying to do something nice for you." He says and snakes his arms around your waist. "I'm sorry." Your voice quivers ever so slightly as you wrap your arms around his neck. "Don't sound so pitiful babe, I'm not mad. Not at all. Just wanna do something that's....cute." He mumbles into your shoulder. "Awww." You coo and kiss his cheek. "I know. I'm awesome." He laughs and quickly pecks your lips. "I wouldn't go that far..." You say under your breath. "What was that?" Cam whips around quickly. You laugh nervously and shoot him a finger gun. "You are so cute." He chuckles and kisses you again, this time a bit longer. "Nowww time to cook." He pulls away and walks back to the discarded ingredients. "I went ahead and got everything out because you can't reach anything." Cam teases. You stick your tongue out at him and grab the pan that's beside him. "Put that on low." He says to you. You gently turn the electric stovetop on and place the pan on it. "Is that alllll?" You ask, you wrap your arms around Cam's waist and bury your face in his back. "If that's all you wanna do, sure. I'm not forcing you to do anything." "Are you guilting me?" You ask suspiciously. "Nah babe. Here," He pats the counter gesturing for you to sit. "This stuff is boring anyway." He reassures. You unhook yourself from Cam's warm body and jump onto the counter. "Now watch magicccc." Cam waves his fingers in your face and laughs.
You watch as he prepares everything like a pro. He made it all look easy, what a show off. After an agonizing 30 minutes of stirring and cooking Cam was finally finished. You did the most important part, tasting the sauce. "Perfection." You say in bliss. "Are you sure?" Cam asks and keeps stirring. "Positive Camie" You grab the two plates Cam had set out earlier and place them on the kitchen table. You run back to the kitchen and grab forks, cups and napkins. "Be careful." Cam warms as you dash back to the table and set the rest of the items down in the proper places. Cam comes out with a glass dish filled with the pasta and a glass pitcher with water. You grab the pitcher from his hands and fill up the two glasses, almost spilling the full pitcher while pouring your own glass. Cam sits down and dishes you both out food on your plates. "Yummy." You grin and start eating. After a few thought-filled bites and awkwardly staring at Cam, you were full. "That was wonderful my dear partner." You approved as you got up to place your plate in the sink. "Well I am a master chef." Cam gloated and met you at the sink. "Yes you are." You smiled and hugged Cam. "Thank you. I really appreciated this." You purr. "You are very welcome." Cam said and hugged you tightly.

Yïkes. I'm super sorry if this is bad. Please, if you have any criticism tell me. It really helps lol. I hope you all have a wonderful day/night. Much love xx

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