My phone started ringing and I seen it was Noah but I wasn't able to answer because I wouldn't of been able to hear him. I felt kinda bad but hey, what can you do?

I actually didn't see Niall at all until like one. He came back to the table and he was definitely drunk. I think he went over the limit for his drinks.

"Don't you wanna dance, you're looking all lonely." He slurred to me, swaying above me.

"No, just wanna go." I sighed.

"Don't be such a stick in the mud come on and dance, look everyone else is." Niall said, gesturing to everyone else on the dance floor. I could see Harry's hair swaying about.

"I don't know how to dance." I admitted.

"Neither do I but it's fun, now get your ass out here and be my girlfriend." He said and grabbed my forearm pulling me to a stance. He pulled me out to the dance floor and I actually allowed him. At least there wasn't people trying to touch us like there is when there's crowds of fans.

He held my hands and started moving to the music with me. His face held a sloppy smile and it felt nice that he was being nice to me for a change. I smiled back at him and he giggled and pulled me closer to him so his chest was brushing off mine. It sent shivers down my spine when he latched his arm around my back.

He stank of beer but I complied anyways because I kinda liked the feeling of his hands on the smalls of my back.

"Y'know you can touch me." Niall said making me blush. It was then I realized they were just hanging lazily by my sides. I felt a little embarrassed and as though everyone was watching me, but in reality everyone was probably too drunk to notice.

"Where am I meant to put them?" I asked him, not making eye contact. I heard him chuckle lightly.

"Around me anywhere." He chuckled. I awkwardly moved them up so I had them around his back. I didn't really know what to do. I knew my face was bright red even with al the makeup Lou had put on me. I avoided eye contact with Niall.

The funny thing was we weren't even in time to the music he was just dancing about like a numpty.

"Why won't you look at me?" Niall asked me and I looked up to see he was staring directly at me. I just shrugged slightly and looked down again. "Jenny, I may be drunk but.. but.. but I forgot what I was going to say.." He trailed off. I had to stifle a giggle. Even I had a few drinks but I wasn't even tipsy.

"Jenny! Niall!" We heard being shouted and our heads snapped to the source of the voice. It was Liam. "Smile." He said, holding his phone up to us. I smiled and he snapped the picture. I don't know why he wanted this but whatever.

Niall stumbled a bit on his feet, tripping over mine but he didn't fall. He laughed a little and put his arms which had left my back around me again. "We should probably go before I make a fool of myself." Niall laughed.

"You've already done that with your terrible dancing." I teased and he shot me a glare. He took out his phone before we went and called over Liam, Louis and Harry.

"Picture for instagram, make a funny face." He said and held the phone up. Everyone crowded around Niall and I and he stuck his tongue out pulling a funny face. I stuck my tongue out too and everyone else seemed to copy him as well. "We're leaving now, are you guys?" Niall asked the boys. They all shook their heads and Niall shrugged. When Niall and I got into the car he showed me his phone with the picture he took and the caption said 'bunch of Miley's we are !'

I had to laugh. Then I seen all the comments were things like 'Jenny!!!!' 'There's Jenny!!!'

"And look what Liam posted." Niall said and showed me a picture on twitter, which happened to be the one he took of us. But the funny thing I noticed was that I was smiling at the camera but Niall was smiling directly at me. He's a good actor. The caption of this one said. 'Look at the cuties :*'

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