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They eventually reached the hospital, Courtney's pain was only getting worse and more unbearable. "Stay strong Courtney we just have to get you out of here and through those doors now," Elisabeth coaxed.  Courtney's only response was,"Arghh" but not like in a pirate way but like moan.  Rebecca, Tyler, and Rodney hopped out of the Van, and opened up the back of it to let Elisabeth and Courtney out.  "How are we gonna get those in the Hospital?" Tyler asked pointing at the stick crutches. "I don't know," Elisabeth said,"Mrs.Bryant?" "We'll have to get her as far as we can to the door, then use Tyler and Rodney as crutches," she said. "What?!" they replied, "Don't argue." They heaved Courtney out giving her the stick crutches and gasped when her leg accidentally touched the ground. They helped her regain her balance and helped her get to the Hospital doors. It was hard, the sticks-branch crutches started cracking  by the time they got to the doors.

 "We should transition her to you and Tyler," Rebecca said looking at Rodney. Elisabeth heard Courtney mutter under her breath "oh no". The heaved her arms onto Tyler and Rodney's shoulders and they gave a big "Hmph" when she was on she let her good left leg touch the ground and tried to keep her right leg off. But Courtney gave out a little grunt every time they would move because she would drop a little bit, then get heaved again.  

"Whoa what happened?!" One of the service ladies asked "Don't ask" Elisabeth replied using some of her sass. She never used any sass unless she was in a play or doing an act. The only other times she used it was when she was really moody or really bad over the top stress. But the service lady wasn't bother by it probably guessing why, but Elisabeth quickly apologized not happy with her manner. The nurse seemed happier and ordered a doctor right away.

When the Doctor's nurses came when they saw how Courtney was keeping her leg up one of them when back and came out with a wheel chair. Courtney was really relieved and Mrs.Bryant pushed her but she was still groaning. 

When the Doctor came to her area he asked what happened, Elisabeth and Courtney quickly explained how the three bullies attacked her and dragged up her against the ground and beat her up some more, while Elisabeth explained how she was unconscious and how she had stopped breathing. After they finished he examined her face first and then her right leg. He asked if she have had any problems with her legs in the past. 

She told him how she shifted her patella and how she had to three things of ice a day and a knee brace on her left knee. She also told him when she got a muscle spasm in her neck too and how she couldn't move her neck after running the track when she was younger and how her legs began to get slower over time. After hearing this her examined her knee more closely. He asked,"Have your knees always been pointed slightly inward?" she told him,"Yes ever since I was born, but I don't see how that affects anything," Courtney replied. "Whats your name?" Tyler asked, "Dr. Lewis," he replied, "May we take an X-Ray her right leg?" Dr. Lewis asked, they said yes and rolled her to the X-Ray room. 

Mrs.Bryant, Dr.Lewis, and Courtney went into the X-Ray room while the others waited beside the doors softly talking to each other. All the sudden Rodney said, "I can't bear it anymore i have a confession that I've been keeping for two years now and you guys are my closest friends but don't tell Courtney." Everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and looked at him, "What is it that don't want to tell Courtney that you've been hiding for two years? asked Rebecca. Rodney took a deep breath and said,"I've had a crush on Courtney for two years," he said. "What?!" Rebecca and Elisabeth said, "Jinx!" they giggled but got serious again. Elisabeth was about to open her mouth when Courtney came out. "My leg is broke," she said, "Were gonna be putting a cast on it. Mrs.Bryant is notifying our parents and the office ladies to excuse for the rest of school day. Jacob gave out a silent, joyful, whisper like, YES! "What are gonna do about Courtney?" he asked once when Courtney got rolled away leaving the five of them there by order for Mrs.Bryant.

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