To the Hospital

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"Your right, we should get her to the hospital,"Jacob said. "Anyone have a cell?"Elisabeth asked Everyone shook there head no. "Why don't you have one Mrs.Bryant?" Courtney managed to ask, "I let my daughter have it during school hours until i can get her one," Mrs.Bryant answered,"We'll have to get her into my Van." Tyler ran over to a nearby tree and broke off two branches and pulled all the excess twigs and such off. "We can use these as crutches to get her into the van,"Tyler suggested everyone agreed and helped Courtney get situated with the stick crutches. 

"Shouldn't Mrs.Wenzel know where we're going?" asked Rebecca, Mrs.Bryant thought about it,"No,"she replied,"I don't  want to cause a panic because then it will only make it worse to get Courtney into my Van." That made sence even though Rebecca was unsure if this was the right choice to bring Courtney and the rest of them to the Hosipital with no one knowing. "Can we atleast tell Mr.Gold? asked Jacob mimcing her thoughts. Mrs. Bryant took a moment to think about it,"Will you five stay here and watch over Courtney?" she asked, they agreed and Mrs.Bryant got up and walked into the building some moments later she came out with a relaxed expression on her face.

"Come on lets get her and you guys into the Van,"Mrs.Bryant said. Elisabeth and Tyler helped Courtney get to the Van while Rebecca and Jacob got it ready for her. With the rest of the cloth to make a pad for her leg to rest on in the back of the Van which had the most room for her. 

Everyone else got in seats, it was really big van. Mrs.Bryant hopped in and turned the key and off they went to the hospitle which was close by.  There was very little traffic and then all the sudden Courtney started to get a really bad unbearable pain in her leg. Mrs.Bryant immeditly sped up as Courtne began to moan really loudly. Elisabeth moved to the back to make sure she was ok and to watched over her and soon enough they reached the hospital.

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