An Unwelcome Price Tag part 2

Start from the beginning

"Who did that? Slavery is against the United laws of Shield." She scoffed.

"How long have you been gone? Those laws were disbanded the moment King Rogers fell. His son never bothered to check on us and as a result people like me face the haunting life of abuse and neglect. But what would he care? He was everything." She spat at his feet. He frowned. He understood why she was so bitter but he himself was the captains right hand man. Steve disbanded the monarchy after democracy proved more effective.

"I'm James Barnes, first mate to Captain Steve Rogers, leader of the finest boat in history, the Helicarrier." He held out a hand and she shrank back, no doubt expecting to be hit for her previous comments. He felt rage boil up but masked it as she tentatively shook it. "I can help you find a new life. Come aboard and help us reclaim our land. I promise you it's not all bad." She stared at him.


"Why what?" He was struggling to understand this woman.

"Why would you offer to take me with you?"

"Because you deserve better." She shook her head.

"You don't know that." He smiled ruefully.

"You love to be difficult don't you?" She quirked an eyebrow at him and almost dared a smile.

"Are there women on board?" He chuckled.

"Yeah, and don't you worry about inequality or something like that, Peggy could kick all our asses. Plus she keeps the captain in check. Maria's pretty cool too, kicked one of the guys, Sam, overboard when he stole her breakfast." He laughed fondly at the memory. "So what do you say? Come with me and lead a new life. We could use someone like you, and I promise we'll deliver the sick bastard straight to you to do as you please with him. Sound like a fair deal?" He offered his arm for her to take whilst she mulled over his words.

"I can really leave?"

"I swear by my most solemnest oath."

Natalia figured she had nothing left to loose. "Ok. I'll come." He grinned easily.

"Great! Just give me your name." She hesitated, she didn't really want to be Natalia the slave.

"Natasha." She tested it out and found she liked it. He smiled softly and held his arm out to escort her, dramatically bowing and sweeping his arms in a fancy flourish.

"I'm James, but call me Bucky. Right this way m'lady. Right this way to a new life."

It was that soft voice that had saved her before and it was that soft voice that saved her now. As Natasha stood awaiting her fate, the rest of the crew had infiltrated the town. Many of them had rallied up the townsfolk and whilst the rich were distracted by the current bidding, the rest of the soon to be slaves were being set free.

An over joyous Peter was met by an angry Bucky. He wasn't angry at the boy, no he was angry at the men leering at his Natasha. Steve noticed him but remained calm. He tried to subtlety hint to Nat that help was coming. She seemed to get the message and so as Bucky crept up behind the executioner, she sat her weight on one leg and cocked her hip out to one side. The fact that she wore men's trousers emphasised her curves and suddenly the prices were soaring.

Bucky grit his teeth furiously and sliced the executioners throat mercilessly. He dropped to the platform with a loud thud and drew the attention of the rest of the square. Steve had slipped the rope from around his neck and now held a spare sword comfortably. Bucky whistled and from out of the houses, alleyways and streets poured the common townsfolk. Chaos ensued.

Natasha planted a solid kick in a guys chest and ducked as another one charged her. She looped her manacles around the auctioneer's neck and pulled with all her might, crushing his windpipe and killing him. She snagged the keys from his belt and freed herself from the chains, catching a knife flying through the air and jumping down into the fray.

She met up with her partner and shared a fleeting kiss. "Miss me?" His playful grin tugged a laugh from her as she nudged his side and they leapt into the fight.

"I was handling it just fine." They moved perfectly in time with each other and each move flowed seamlessly.

"Clearly." She ignored his dry remark as they continued battling it out, sending the last of the invaders scurrying towards the boats.

As the final fight ended and the townsfolk took up to cheering, Bucky drew Natasha in at the waist and planted a small kiss on her curls. "You won't leave me?" She tilted her head back to look at him.

"Never." She whispered softly.

A/N Could be better. I'd like to apologise for the chapter Jump Scare because rereading I now see that it really hasn't aged well. I'll let you make the connection.

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