The Bridge

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What if Maria wasn't there to save them?

"Three holes, start digging." Rumlow dropped to the ground and made his way to the last truck. The Asset was in the second one, preparing to be put back under ice. Rumlow lifted his pistol and aimed it at the doors before nodding his head at one of his men to pull them open. He almost grinned then and there at the sight of the three helpless amigos. The black dude had a nice shiner and the captain wore a look of complete and utter confusion. He was lost since revealing the identity of the winter soldier. It was the widow he had his eyes on though. She was barely conscious from blood loss and her eyes were half lidded even though the adrenaline was still trying to keep her awake. She only looked on in mild interest when he cocked his gun at her. "Get out." She didn't respond.
"Look man she's lost too much blood. We need to put pressure on the wound before she bleeds out."
"Shut it." He glared at the black guy again and moved his gun until it was pressed beneath her jaw. "I said move." She rolled her eyes.
"What's the point? You're going to shoot us anyway."
"Because I want to hear you scream." She gave him an unamused look whilst the captain shifted anxiously in his seat. The rest of his men moved their aim onto him.

"Now get out before I drag you by your hair."
"No." She glared at him coldly and he grit his teeth in annoyance. He shoved her against the back wall and she slumped over, being too weak as the gunshot wound sapped all her energy. That was all the confirmation he needed to unlock her cuffs. They fell off and clanked together as they hit the floor. Immediately she reached a pale hand up to her shoulder and pressed against it, sticky blood welling between her fingers and running over them.

He moved to grab her but was stopped by the black guy's foot. "What's your name?"
"Sam Wilson."
"I'm going to teach you a lesson about interference Wilson." He revelled in the fear that shone through the captains eyes as he lowered his gun. Instead he grabbed one of the tasers and zapped Wilson hard in the ribs. He bent double, writhing from the volts coursing through his system. With that out of the way Rumlow snatched the widow by her hair and dragged her out, throwing her down on the concrete. She let out a small huff but otherwise remained silent. This infuriated Brock as he yanked her up and pulled her head back. She just grinned at him. He ground his teeth, trying to keep it together. He hated her. Absolutely hated her. In Shield she was Fury's prized pet and in Hydra she was the possession they wanted back. Well too bad, he was going to be the best. He was going to kill her and dump her body in front of the officials. Then they'd see.

"Hydra is about order, and order only comes through pain. Are you ready for your pain?" She didn't get a chance to reply as he pistol whipped her and her head flew to the side. She spat blood out and smiled, her mouth dripping red. The captain cried out but was zapped with a taser.

In the second van the Asset stirred. He knew that voice. For some reason the phrase pick on someone your own size came to mind, followed fondly by punk. His handlers shifted nervously and eyed his bionic arm. Unfortunately the memories gave him a headache so he was too distracted to care. Instead he worked on trying to pry open the small crack that had formed in his mind.

Natasha would not scream. To do so would mean giving in and there was no way she was giving Rumlow what he wanted. The pain was familiar, like an escape. The avengers had made her soft but the pain was bringing back memories of the red room. Instead of huffing she started muttering, curses she'd saved for the bastard officials just before she slit their throats. Curses whispered in harsh, angry Russian. Curses which were picked up by the Asset's enhanced hearing. Curses that helped wiggle out memories. He closed his eyes against the pain as he tried holding onto the image of a beautiful red head, her face pressed into the floor as he pinned her and the same curses streaming from her mouth and catching him by surprise.

She still continued to swear as he tried to jab her bullet wound, even going as far to electrocute her. She whimpered and the Asset stirred uncomfortably. He didn't understand why, he'd killed plenty of people and yet it was the small cry from outside that caused him anxiousness. Rumlow bared his teeth in a wolffish grin, pleased but not satisfied. He recalled her file and remembered something about her past. His face lit up in glee as he bore down on the exhausted woman. Something in him had changed from predatory to downright unstable. She noticed this, as did her teammates, and tried scooting backwards.

He grabbed a fistful of her shirt and hauled her up. She narrowed her eyes and tried not to show alarm as he leant in close and hissed into her ear. "I know about you. About the Asset, and about your whole damn past. Tell me, what was it like to tame such a beast. To know that the all elusive Winter Soldier loved you." She shook her head, her voice a harsh whisper.
"He never loved me."
"Oh but he did. Or did you forget?" She trembled under the weight of memories and he pressed on. "I've seen the footage, how you were ripped from each other's arms. How you screamed for each other whilst struggling against the inevitable." He dropped his hand and stroked a thumb across her hip, skimming the flesh over her stomach and enjoying the flinch as his nails drew blood. "Tell me widow, did he take you like a bitch?" He pulled her flush against him but she barely had the strength to stand, let alone fight him. "Or was it all tender and sweet with soft touches and promises of freedom?"

Memories played behind her eyes as she recalled the many nights entwined within his arms. Her James, now theirs. If Rumlow didn't kill her then she would be theirs too. She trembled, both from blood loss and the feeling of Rumlow's hands. Her knees were shaking and her palms were sweating. Her walls were coming down as the energy used to try and repress the painful thoughts was being sucked dry. Spots appeared in her vision and as the crackling baton fell upon her in a swooping arc, she could do nothing but arch her spine and scream as the volts burnt her flesh and stripped her raw. She fell into the dark, her last glimpse being of her James tearing through the doors and tossing soldiers to the side. She felt a smile tug on her lips as her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she swam into nothing.

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