Chapter 1 ♡

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[OK Hi I hope u enjoy the chapter this is my first time writing Ff]


Flash back
[ NARRATOR] ~1 Year ago~

Jungkook and Tae, were once love birds. They adored everything about one or the other which made their bond tighting. They would always go on dates and buy each other beautiful things. Their friends that knew them knew they were very close with each other. They mastered everything about one another that is is like junkook wants to have children while tae doesn't want any. At times they would do freaky shit but it wasn't bad. They would kiss softly and then it becomes rough but then that was it. They were fifteen they were still young and none of them thought of getting deep like that. It all changed when Tae turned 16 during his first year of being a junior he gained a lot sexual desires for the younger and he wanted try more with others. Although he knew what he did was wrong he never told jungkook the things he does the sexual desire he gained. He became the school fuckboy. He started to see the changes on the younger although they were a few months apart from one another. At times people warned him about his lover but jungkook would disagree. Everything changed drastically when jungkook found out he was pregnant.
Over the years jungkook couldn't hold it anymore. He always broke down, at times he felt alone. He couldn't tell Taehyung but he had many opportunities but the other wouldn't listen. Jungkook always clenching his stomach tears attacking his eyes.

With every twist and turns sweat kept melting down his silky smooth skin. He kept remembering the cherish moment he had with the older. How they sat watching the majestic night sky while they slightly move closer inch by inch. Their smiles tracing their mouths. It was peaceful nothing interrupted their cute moment. They snuggled into each others arms feeling warmth feeling secure.

?- "I LOVE YOU DON'T FORGET THAT BABY NO MATTER WHAT". The older spoke out. That's when everything turned black. He couldn't speak his heart was racing. Things were flashing all around. He found himself in the same position but only to find out it wasn't him he was talking to. Tears came flowing like a river he felt he was drowning in his own sorrows. That's when he opened his eyes knowing it was a dream, real tears started flowing down his eyes he sank himself deeper into his bed even more covering himself with his duvet he felt sick again. He knew he had to let go of the past but he couldn't it chattered him miserably. After 20 minutes of drowning in his own sorrows he shot himself up from his bed. He entered the bathroom and saw how horrible he looked. His eyes were so red, they looked like he took some cocaine yet it was his sadness his hair all scruffy he looked homeless teen.

× Jungkook P.O.V×
I saw my reflection in the mirror I looked horrific but it didn't bother me. I open the cabinet draw and found my pills I needed for my depression. I got a cup and filled it with water. I gulped the water down with my tablet in my mouth. For a second time I checked myself in the mirror and sighed. I made sure to brush my teeth and have a shower. I haven't left my room since the incident happend during the midterm break. I am glad I get to reunite with my friends. After my hot shower I got dressed for school and went down stairs meeting my mum sitting on the island while the maid made breakfast. Just as I was about to leave my mum stopped me.
"Jungkook hunny please come and eat" she said while sighing quietly. I hummed and sat beside her. She smiled at me and I just looked down. She softly held my hands while looking at me.
" Kookie Hun please stay healthy please and don't worry yourself to much" she sighed. I muttered a small "ok mum" while trying to smile.
"So what are what are we having". I say while looking at her.
"Anything you want kiddo" she said while smiling.
" Oh ummmmm..... I can just have cereal". I say. She nodded and asked the maid to bring me cereal. After some time I gobbled my food and we both chatted and laughed. My mum kept pulling funny faces and I kept laughing almost falling of the floor. A few minutes past and I bid my mum goodbye leaving some of my troubles behind.

// school I'm sorry I'm lazy// this is still Jungkook P.O.V

I arrive at school an hour early, I looked at the big building that was my school. Although, it was early in the morning some people look like zombies that just arrived at the apocalypse I laugh a little. Anyways as my eyes was roaming around the old school I felt a hand slither round my tiny waste. It couldn't be.

?- "Hey Baby..."
( Holy SHIT sorry for my language but Oml this took me along time to write this. I had a good beginning and I had to change it cause it wouldn't make sense. 😧 I left it for a month and came back to write it then I had no motivation and couldn't be bothered to write 😥 I came back this is just a whole ass mess 😤)

(This was originally going to be a long chapter but Oh well I hope you like it and please comment if I should tweak some bits)

Ok update its 2019 well October to be presided and i wrote this when i was in year 11 last year i know no one reads this awful weird ff but Oh well.

It's 2021 bitches i just want to ask is this story interesting like???? You's lot are still reading this. Please, if you read this, read my other one 🙂

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