Chapter 9

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Bella's pov

When I woke up I got up off the bed and I opened my clothes bag and I got a red spotty top and black jeans out of it and I put them on then I grabbed my phone and purse and my door keys and car keys and then I went over to the door and I opened it and then I went out it and and I closed it behind me and then locked it and I went over to my car and I got into it and I then put the keys into the ignition and turned the car on and then I drove into town which was called Volturra and once I was in town I turned the car off and I got out of it.

I walked into the town and I saw a stall of handbags so I went over to it and I bought a black one and then I put my phone and my purse and my 2 sets of keys into it and then I walked to the middle of the town where the clock was and I went round all of the shops and stalls for about 3 hours and then I stopped at a food place and I went inside at bought myself a meal and I sat down inside the place and ate it and when I was down I lifted the food place and went for a walk and as I was walking I walked up a ally way.

I was walking I saw 2 kids that looked about 13 one was a boy and the other was a girl and I walked up to them and I said hello there what are your names and the boy said hi my name is Alec and her name is Jane and as he pointed to her then I looked at there eyes and I saw they were red and I knew they where vampires and that I needed to leave so I said scared because I knew with one bite they could kill me um it was nice to meet you but I've got to go and I turned and walked the way I came.

Jane said I'm sorry but our master wants you with us and she ran at me and jumped at my neck and bit it and then I fell to the ground and I started screaming from the pain and I knew that I wasn't dying I was turning but I didn't know why I wasn't dying because vampire bites kill wolves and then I felt someone pick me up and they started to run really fast and then soon after I felt myself being lied down on something and then I couldn't here or feel anything until I felt my heart stop and then I woke up and everything was increased my sight and my hearing and I think my speed but I haven't tried it because I was still on the bed.

I sat up on the bed and I saw 3 men and Jane and Alec standing there and I said who are you, what have you done to me and one of the men said well Bella I'm Aro and these are my brothers Marcus and Cauis and we have turned you into a half vampire half wolf creature and I said but how vampire bites kill wolfs and Marcus said well Bella we have the power to stop that from happening to wolves.

I said why would you do that now my pack won't take me back and Cauis said well Bella that's what we were planning on and I said but why and air said because Bella we want you to join us and help us rule the supernatural world we can rule the vampires and you can rule the werewolves/shape shifters and I said it would be kind of cool to rule my kind and I said yes ok deal and then Aro said great but there is a challenge you will endure because you a a vampire and wolf you will have to drink blood and you will sometimes have to help with vampires that get out if hand as well as wolfs and I said ok fine.

Marcus said great so tomorrow we will call all the packs to your castle and we will set them rules and what will happen if they break them and we will get you wolf guards because your more wolf than vampire like we have vampire guards and because your vampire and wolf your more powerful now too and I said wait what I have my own castle and Aro said yes my dear you do and I said great can I see it and he said yes you can I fact your in it and I got off of the bed.

I ran out the door and downstairs and then I saw there was everything I had my own servants, my own thrown which I ran over to once Aro and the others came down and I sat on it and by god I loved it and I got off of it and I ran over to Aro and hugged he and I said thank you thank you thank you Aro I love this and Aro said well I'm glad you do now go to bed and we during the night will phone around all of the packs telling them to report to you castle in the afternoon tomorrow to meet there new queen and I said thank you Aro and I walked back up to my room and went inside it and went over to the bed and lied down on it and fell to sleep to bring the next day closer.

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