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Your POV
I saunter down the long halls of the elite school, weighed down slightly by the heavy instrument on my back.
(I'm aware the guitar is a little played out, no pun intended, but I found it the best option for the type of music and considering she/you play solo)
I continue to search for a quiet/empty place to practice, though worn out by the long day of dreary classes.

I stumble upon a large door, the sign above reading "music room 3".
Well it's a music room, what better place?"
I push open the heavy room with slight strain.
Only to be bombarded with a large amount of rose petals. Spitting and flaring my arms about in front of my face, I look towards the sound of voices.
"Welcome to the host club."

I am met with the faces of 7 people, all standing in front of me. Before I know it a large group of girls appear behind me and make their way into the room ahead. And as the last girl shuffles her way in I'm left there dumbfounded.

A blonde male approaches me. "Hello Dear Princess, are you a new student? Come in, come in. I look forward to our time together." With his last sentence he pulls me close, lifting my chin with his forefinger and thumb, making me look into his violet eyes. "I..uh s..sorry, wrong room." And with that I make my way hastily out of the room.

Third POV
The hosts stare blankly as the large doors shut, and the mysterious girl leave the room. Tamaki stares with dejected eyes. "She...she didn't...."
And without another word he begins growing mushrooms in the rooms corner. "Senpai will you stop sulking."
Haruhi says apathetically, with even the slightest of annoyance in her voice.
"Yes, I believe you scared the poor girl."
Kyoya states writing in his mysterious black book. (*cough*deathnote*cough*)

"Yeah Boss you came off too strong," Hikaru starts. "Your gonna scare off the timid girls." Kaoru continues. "I guess he's lost his touch." Hikaru finishes.
Tamaki is suddenly in the centre of the room, holding his head high, and a balled up hand to his chest. "I vow to win over this mystery new student and prove how irresistible I am!" "From this day forth I.....blah de blah de blah."
Tamaki continues rambling a speech that the half witted guests seem completely infatuated with.

"So you think he'll live up to his speech?" Haruhi asks the ravenette boy beside her (Kyoya).
"Well this is Tamaki,
who knows what boneheaded things he'll do."

Hey! I'm sorry if the characters are kinda OOC, and that this chap isn't very well written.
Thanks for reading xx

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