Chapter 23

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We just arrived at the hospital and the waiting room is filled with Keenon's friends, family and damn near the whole neighborhood. My heart is racing. I don't know what to do, I'm crying and I feel like this is all my fault. If he knew he was going to be a dad he would've probably been at home with me instead of in the streets. Ugh. What is life right now?

The doctor comes out and I'm just shaking and panicking. Everyone in the waiting room stands up. What is this doctor about to say?

"How is my baby doing? Is my baby okay? Is he gonna be okay?" Ms. Yolanda said in a frantic shakey voice while I was holding her and rubbing her shoulder. The doctor said, "Yes ma'am, he's stable. He's going to be fine. He's just getting some rest, he got hit in the right shoulder. It could've been worse but he's going to be fine ma'am. Would you like to see him?" the doctor asked. "Yes!! Bria do you wanna go back here with me baby?" she asked. "Yes ma'am." "Right this way ma'am."

A HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF CAME OVER ME. He was going to be okay. He was going to be alright. He's going to live long enough to meet his child.

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