"Well, now we know what happens when one tries to lick one's wand," she said amusedly.

"Actually, I think 'swallow' might be a more appropriate word," said Lucius. "Stuck it down your throat, didn't you, Draco?" he continued, frowning at his son as if he might explode again at any moment.

But Draco himself was perfectly cheerful again, having gotten that out of the way. "Agah!" he shouted joyfully.

"Again?" said Lucius. "No, I don't think so."

"Na, na, na, na, na," singsonged the baby, beginning to play with his fingers.

"Oh, are you going to sing now?" asked Lucius, still holding his spittle-covered wand out of the his son's reach. "Cissa, what's keeping that elf?"

"I'll go and find out," she said, taking off in the direction of the kitchen, where most of them would be at that hour.

She found them working industriously at preparing dinner. "Where is the polishing cloth I asked for?" she demanded imperiously. Each elf cowered where it stood, and one of them began hitting itself in the head with the large pot it had been washing. "Stop that noise!" she commanded, annoyed. The elf looked woeful, but obeyed.

"Eggy is bringing the cloth, Mistress," said another elf fearfully. "Eggy leaves already, but is not back yet."

"Very well," she said. "All of you, punish yourselves for stopping work. And tell Eggy when he returned to punish himself triply for being so slow and lazy." She stalked off back toward the sitting room which held her husband and child. One really did have to be firm with these house elves. Some called in cruelty, but they could be so laggard sometimes. It wasn't as if they had any purpose other than servitude.

She returned to the sitting room to find Draco babbling merrily and Lucius wearing an excited grin.

"He did it!" announced the proud father. "He said a word - his first, I believe!"

Narcissa's own heart swelled with pride. "Really?" she squealed. "Already? And he's not even a year old! Do you think he'll do it again?"

"Draco, tell Mum your new word!" urged Lucius. "Say, 'Crucio'!"

And before Narcissa had time to react, their darling, dimpled, blond baby happily exclaimed, "Coosio!"

Narcissa felt her jaw drop.

"That's right!" answered her husband delightedly. "Very good, Draco!"

"Coosio, coosio!" repeated the infant, bouncing enthusiastically on his father's lap.

Narcissa recovered enough to give Lucius a prolonged, outraged glare. His smile faltered as he realized that he was in serious trouble.

"He wouldn't say anything else," he said sheepishly, trying to defend himself. "I tried all the unusual things, and then I just started saying whatever I could think of, hoping something would take. I didn't think he'd actually say them..."

"His first word," said Narcissa in disbelief. "You taught our son an Unforgivable curse..."

Draco decided that his mum wasn't paying enough attention to him. "Adda Ka-dava!" he declared proudly, with an adorable grin that showed his two teeth.

"Two Unforgivable curses!" groaned Narcissa.

"It's just the words, Cissa," Lucius tried to appease her. "I didn't teach him to cast them, it's not as if he knows the wand pattern or the thought process behind them..." he trailed off weakly.

"You taught our one-year-old son Unforgivable curses!" she screamed at him.

"Look at it this way, darling, he'll need them someday. He'll have a head start on his peers -"

"HE'S A BABY!" Narcissa exploded. "First you Imperius him -"

"Only once, and that was eight months ago!" objected Lucius.

" - and now you're teaching him Unforgivable curses! What are you going to do tomorrow, induct him as a Death Eater? Do let me know, so I won't be surprised when I see the Mark on his poor little arm! And of course I'll know to expect him to be shipped off to Azkaban for life before his first birthday because some Ministry idiot hears him using 'Avada Kedavra' as a greeting!"

"Now, Cissa, don't be absurd, you're overreacting..." said Lucius futilely.

"Come, Draco, it's time for your supper and a nap," said Narcissa, ignoring her husband and snatching the baby up of his lap.

Lucius watched her storm off toward the nursery with the child, and sighed.

Back to the guest room it was, then.

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