Day 1: Coffee Shop

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Lance was working the late shift at The Coffee Bean, and he was bored out of his mind. Barely any customers came in after 8 pm, so the shop was filled with eerie, mind-numbing silence for hours on end. He normally had Hunk to talk to, but his buddy was currently out of town at a family reunion. Lance leaned against the counter, resting his head in his hand. He let out an enormous yawn, followed by a sleepy curse. At this rate, he was bound to fall asleep on the job again. He pulled over a small stool from in front of the register and sat down on it, leaning forward and putting his head down. He drifted off to sleep, his body all but ignoring his brains' warnings to stay awake. Not long after he fell asleep, a motorcycle pulled into the parking lot. The bell over the door let out a quiet jingle as the rider walked inside, helmet under his arm. He looked around for any employees, and his face broke into a small smile when he saw the boy sleeping peacefully at the counter. He walked over to the counter and knocked gently on its surface. "Time to wake up, Sleeping Beauty." He said. Lance groggily lifted his head, rubbing his eye. "Hm...?" He mumbled sleepily, looking up at the stranger. Suddenly realizing where he was, he jolted awake. "Shit! I fell asleep again!" He said, quickly getting to his feet. He quickly went over to the register, looking up at the customer. "Sorry about that, er..." "Keith." "Sorry about that, Keith. Normally my friend's here to wake me up, but he's out of town, so..." Keith smiled. "Don't worry about it...Lance." He said, reading Lance's nametag. "Cute name." He commented. Lance smiled. "Yours too." He said softly, meeting Keith's eyes. They were quiet for a minute, lost in each other's eyes. Suddenly, Lance realized what he was supposed to be doing. "Oh! Uh, can I take your order? Sorry again, I got... distracted." He said, noticeably flustered. Keith chuckled. "You're cute when you're flustered." He said. He watched in amusement as Lance's face flushed. "I'll take a plain black coffee. Looks like you could use one too." He said. Lance smiled sheepishly. "I really shouldn't drink any, since I work here and all..." he said. Keith pulled out his wallet. "My treat. You look like you could use a break anyways." He said. Lance smiled. "You won't take no for an answer, will you?" Keith chuckled. "Nope." He said. Lance sighed. "Alright, if you insist." Keith paid for their coffee and sat down at the counter to wait. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, accidental eye contact, and Lance getting flustered over the smallest things, their drinks were done. They sat there for about an hour, just talking and flirting with each other. Lance checked his watch. "It's closing time." He said quietly, a tinge of sadness noticable in his voice. Keith quietly reached into his pocket and pulled out the marker he normally used to write reminders on his arm. He reached for a paper napkin and jotted down his phone number, handing it to Lance. "I'm normally available any time, so just give me a call whenever you want to." He said with a smile. Lance smiled back at him. "Thanks, Keith." "You're welcome, Lancey Lance. Now get out of here and get some sleep. I'll see you later." Keith waved goodbye to Lance and walked out of the shop, riding his motorcycle towards home.

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