‘So, hire one.’ She laughed.

“That’s what I’m doing right now.” I smiled and crossed my fingers that she'll accept it.

‘Harry, I’m sorry, but I can’t make it.’ she said like she was disappointed.

“Why?” I whined. After that, I realized it wasn’t a smart move.

‘I have to study and I can’t leave my little brother alone.’ she explained it to me.

“Well, tell your parents to look after him while you’re gone.” I replied thinking that it was the most logical explanation.

She was quiet for a while that I thought she hung up. “Hey, are you there?”

‘Harry, I can’t. I’m sorry.’ I could feel in tone of her voice that something was wrong. ‘I have to go. I’m really sorry.’

“Wait! Don’t hang up!” I shouted into the phone. Four heads peaked through the kitchen door. When I turned around I’ve got a few looks from the lads, but I ignored them. “We’ll pay you. And I promise that you’ll have the best time of your life. Pleeeaseee! You’re the only person we know here.”

‘I have to think about it.’ she said as she took a deep breath in.

“Okay. I hope I’ll see you tomorrow.” I smiled widely.

‘Bye, Harry.’ she said and hung up.

Liam looked at me “Well?” I smiled.

“I think she’ll accept the offer. Anyway, I let you know when she texts me.”

Louis made a face like he was offended “SHE!? Hazza Bear, are you cheating on me!?”

“Of course not, Boo. She’s just a friend.” I smiled at the thought of her. I don’t even know her name and still I’m thinking about her most of the time.

“I was just a friend and look at us now.” Louis said. I laughed at that.

“See ya tomorrow lads!”

“Night, Harold!” they said in sync.

I went to my room and got under the covers. Before I knew it, I was in a deep dream.

Nicole’s P.O.V

There are too many questions on my mind. My emotions are mixed up. I’m confused, surprised, happy, sad, nervous etc. I really don’t know what is happening to me! Maybe a quick shower would help just a tad.

I locked the front door and got into the bathroom. I slipped out of my clothes and let the water fall on my skin. A wave of freezing water had hit me and I started swearing and screaming “Bloody hell!” To be honest, maybe that was what I needed – to push the thoughts aside and it worked just a tiny-tiny bit. I stopped thinking about Harry for whole 15 seconds. I got dressed into my pajamas and went to check up on Will. I hope I didn’t wake him up. When I entered his room, he was already in a deep dream. I kissed his forehead and went to my room. I shut the door and collapsed on my bed. I was so tired, but I couldn’t sleep. Jobs, school and chores are taking all energy away from me and I was wondering will I be able to stick to the end. Then, Harry popped into my mind. ‘Oh, not again!’ I thought as I stuck my head into the pillow.

Why he wants to hang out with me? I’m nobody and he’s, probably, just another one of the pretty and bratty singers who think they can have all the girls in the world.

Who am I kidding!? He’s perfect. The way he looks at you, the way he smiles at you and the cutest thing of all is when he smiles widely and reveals his dimples. He has damn sexy accent and that’s definitely a turn on. Do I like Harry? No, of course not. I can’t like him – I don’t know him. But, am I attracted to Harry? Hell yes, I won’t lie.

My thoughts went to my grandma. She visits us most of the time, but I can’t ask her to take care of Will and I – that would be too much. When Harry asked me to go sightseeing with him and the lads, I knew I couldn’t leave Will alone, so I thought I could leave him with her. This is a great opportunity to earn some extra cash and I couldn’t just let it slip away.

She would understand that I need time for myself and I’m not planning to tell her that I’m going out with one Irish and four British boys. Who knows what she’ll think. She thinks that every boy I mention is my boyfriend and that amuses me the most. My grandma lives with my uncles and his family. We aren’t living with them because we would be a burden. There were times I’ve lost the strength to carry on and I was questioning myself should we go and live with them. Of course, that would be the best thing I could do for Will. But, no. I didn’t loosen up! I want to show my parents that I am strong, capable and mature enough to take over their places in this family. I want to show them that I’m not like them – weak. I don’t run away when a problem appears. Yes, sometimes I want to scream until my voice cracks, but I'm still here struggling with it.

My opinion of my parents is that they’re sociopaths. They don’t feel the guilt for abandoning us. I can’t even imagine how Will's feeling about this... He has to grow up without parents, with a sixteen-year old sister who barely keeps an eye on him because she’s too busy.

My eyelids were getting heavier and heavier and before I knew it I was asleep.

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I took it from the nightstand and looked at it.

Incoming call: Harry :)

“Hello?” I said with a sleepy voice.

‘Hello, love. Did I wake you up?’ he asked smiling. Why is he smiling all the time? The answer to his question wasn’t that obvious and it confused me.

“Yeah...” I said yawning.

‘Sorry about that. Did you think about the sightseeing trip?’ I heard a noise from the other side of the phone.

“What was that?” I asked curiously.

‘Oh, just the lads. Niall is whining ‘cause he’s hungry and Zayn can’t find his hairbrush.’ I laughed at that.

“About the trip...I have to do something before. I’ll call you and keep you updated, okay?”

‘Okay. Bye, love.’ I sighed. He doesn’t give up on calling me that.

“Bye, Harry.” I said and hung up.

I was still in my bed. I looked at Harry’s name and smiled. No! I can’t fancy him! All the guys are the same. And the man who I’m supposed to call ‘dad’ belongs to that group. I have this theory about men: they make you fall in love with them because they are acting like you’d like to. First, let’s say, five months or less of the relationship goes smoothly and after that they dump you because they’ve found someone who is “better” or “hotter”. And they’ll do that to this other girl. It all goes in circle. That’s the way men are. That behaviour is in their veins and they can’t do anything about it. Of course, there are exceptions, but they are very very rare. And I'm kind of scared to find out whether Harry is an exception or not.

Moments (Harry Styles) **ON HOLD**Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora