Chapter 1

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"Good news," Francesco announced, jolting Cassie awake from the slight doze she had been on. She had been leaning her shoulder against Marc, lazing in the living room with the others as another cold November day took hold. All anyone wanted to do these days was sleep after the stress of their last mission that had occurred a few weeks prior.

"What is it?" Cassie murmured, rubbing the tiredness out of her eyes.

"Cherie's returning in a little bit," Francesco stated. "She just told me she's leaving now."

"From where?" Marc grunted next to Cassie. "How come she was gone so long?"

"I think she'll explain things when she returns," Francesco said, a bit of nervousness in his voice that Cassie could easily detect. She was having difficulty understanding why Cherie's quick visit to The Tiger had turned into a days' long trip. It was unlike her to be gone so long giving them any details.

Cassie glanced down, noticing Elijah had passed out on the floor, cuddling his light blue blanket against his body. She shook her head and shut her eyes again, leaning her head against Marc's shoulder. She felt him stroke his hands along her arms in a rhythmic pattern that only increased her drowsiness.

Cassie had admired these past few weeks of rest. While everyone in the cabin was now doing a bit of training and exercise, they were perfectly fine not dealing with any immediate threats. After all, the new year and siege on the headquarters was going to be enough. For now, Cassie was trying her best to enjoy the holiday season before the rebellion became all too real. Even the mission to take the military base had left her with mental scars.

Unfortunately, Cassie was still as busy as ever attending meetings and learning what would transpire in a few months. Very soon, she would be feeling the effects of a full-scale war. Past the new year, no one's safety would be guaranteed. Though then again, it never was.

She opened her eyes slightly, staring down at the engagement ring on her finger. Though there were dangers ahead, she promised herself she would get through them. Because when this was over, she wanted to marry Marc. She wanted to have a family. She wanted to have a semi-normal life again.

"You're doing it again," Marc murmured beside her.

"Doing what?" Cassie asked, ripping her gaze away from her finger.

"You look at your ring when you're stressed. It's cute, but also, why are you anxious right now? Can't you be in the moment for a bit?" he sleepily asked beside her.

"S-Sorry. I can't help it," she said quietly, tracing her fingers over the stone.

She felt Marc reach a hand behind her neck. She relaxed at his touch and leaned forward, about to press her lips against his when the door suddenly opened. Cassie jolted upward, breaking away from Marc. She glanced down, watching Elijah stir on the floor.

"Cherie, you're back!" Lillian observed, rising from her seat.

Cherie stood in the door, looking exhausted. She was not her same cheerful self, Cassie noticed right away. She held a few bags of clothes, it looked like, and her normal stack of papers. It seemed she had been working nonstop since she had taken off to meet The Tiger.

"Well, how did it go?" Conny asked.

"Who's The Tiger?" Mitsuki wondered.

"I can't reveal that information yet. It's classified," Cherie grumbled, setting her things on the table.

Wyatt peered into the bag from his seat, staring at her in confusion.

"Why do you have a bunch of girls' clothes in here?" he asked.

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