Not Fragile

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Dear Wattpad Journal, 

Today has been horrible from the start. My sister woke me up by blasting Taylor Swift as loud as she could. I don't even know what song it was, either. So I got out of bed, really angry, and went downstairs to find a HUGE list of chores to do. So I cleaned the whole kitchen and bathroom and stuff. -___-

Then my sister (after she did next to NOTHING) came down to eat something and left the refrigorator open while she was looking in the freezer (wtf?!). I told her to close the fridge, and she screamed at me "don't tell me what to do!" She's sixteen. Real mature, bitch. Excuse me, Ms. Queen of the Universe. Let me bow down to you. *cough*AS IF*cough*

"No bending me, I'll never be, like broken glass, cuz I'm not fragile like that" -Christina Grimmie

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