Pretty, Pretty, Perfect Princess

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Today went all wrong, just like the rest  of my life. Things have been going awry for a while. With my grandma in the hospital, and my friend conteplating suicide, I just haven't enough of me to go around. 

My mom thinks she knows me, but she really doesn't. My dad puts in a little effort, but not enough. They're just too ignorant to their actions, and everyone else's. The world can't be all rainbows, butterflies, unicorns, and cotton candy. 

I'm not the same kid from your memory, because now I can fend for myself. 

I'm treated like a stranger, and I'm sick of it. Don't they know that they're skating on thin ice already? My emotions are fragile right now, and one tip off could make an explosion the size of Texas. 

I can't be Pretty, Pretty Perfect Princess like my sister, okay? I'm just me: the whiny girl with dull brown hair, ugly grey eyes, and glasses that take up half of her face. I hear only every other word, see only the obvious picture, and have the worse memories. I complain and whine for attention, because I think that I don't get enough. I'm socially awkward, and hate meeting new people. I've changed from before, thanks. I'm more emotional, and I guess "gothic". You're making a fool of yourself when you don't face the facts. I eat when I'm bored or when I'm upset. I mean seriously. You know you're fat when your mom wears sizes that are smaller than your's. I can't pretend any longer. I mean, who would love me? I guess it's my own fault, like always. I always screw up  and get in the way. There will be no cliche moment for "me to shine" because I know I'll screw that up too. The only things that I pride myself on are my artistic ability (even though I'm not that good, and my sister always does better) and my empathy. 

So I can't be Pretty, Pretty Perfect Princess, so stop expecting that from me. Kay?

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