Chapter 1: Air Conditioning

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Deku sat on the red sofa and lay across it, pulling a cover over himself to escape the freezing temperature of the apartment. "Kacchan," he called out to his spouse, "Could you turn on the thermostat?" Bakugou was sleeping somewhere in the house, snoring softly and unaware that Deku was calling for him.

"Kacchan?" The male called out again. After a few seconds of silence, Deku went to go find the ash blonde who had been awfully quiet, taking the warm cover with him. The first place he looked was their bed room. Deku expected to see a wild Bakugou barely hidden under the cover, but only saw messy sheets.

Bakugou was cuddling a pillow with his face burried into it, snoring with blankets barley on him. Deku sighed softly as he looked at his favorite; on the floor and sleeping wildly, though it wasn't unexpected.

Deku shook the male. "Kacchan, get up. The floor isn't a nice surface to sleep on. It's too cold for that." Bakugou groaned and pushed the green haired males hand away.

"Damn nerd... Leave me alone.. I'm tired.." Bakugou covered his head with the pillow and went back to his snoring.

"And I'm cold," Deku complained. "The cover is nice but the thermostat isn't working, and you're the only one who knows how to get it functioning properly." The male stared at Bakugou with a pout on his own face.

Deku kicked the sleeping blonde.

"Ouch!" Bakugou yelled through the pillow. He took the pillow off of his face. "Deku, what is it?! I'm trying to sleep." Deku pointed at the the thermostat just outside of their room. Bakugou rolled his eyes and got up from the bed on the floor. The tired male was shirtless and was only wearing his boxers, but that wasn't distracting Deku from the cold feeling that settled on his skin.

"When I do this, you'll leave me alone, right?" Bakugou looked at Deku. The freckled boy nodded. "Remember that."

Bakugou knocked on the screen of the thermostat and watched the temperature rise. "There, it's fi-" the numbers went back down. "Oh, come the fuck on! The damn thing's busted!"

"Maybe because you hit it so much," said Deku. Bakugou narrowed his eyes at the male and pushed pass him, picking up the sheets off of the floor and laying on them on the bed. "What are you doing?"

"Going back to sleep." Deku's jaw dropped and his face got pouty again.

"But then what about me? The thermostat?" Bakugou took no mind of this and shimmied under the covers, drifting off to sleep once again. Deku sighed and looked around, then he realized what his comfort was the whole time!

Bakugou's eye popped open as he felt the movement of his spouse getting into bed with him. "Hey, I'm not in the mood."

"T-That's not what I'm doing, Kacchan." Deku said with a slight blush across his cheek. "I'm using you to warm me up, since you barely put an effort into fixing the thermostat." Bakugou sighed at the small male, followed by a chuckle.

"Okay, whatever, nerd. Just don't move too much." Deku nodded and cuddled up with Bakugou, letting himself be cuddled back.

"I love you, Kacchan!"

"I love you too, Deku."

*I hope you enjoyed this chapter of my BakuDeku fluff! I can only promise more if I get feedback. Tell me what you think! Leave a vote, please and thank you! ~InaliIsDekudess*

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