Part Thirteen: Cavern

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Frisk's POV:

There was a stunned air between us as I gently pulled out of the kiss, only the foggy breath from both of us telling me that we were indeed still existing. I feel my face heat up immediately, and I would bet that my face got even redder despite the freezing weather.

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that--I just thought that you--I-I'm sorry." I stutter to him, making nervous hand gestures until he is able to take my hands and pull me closer to him once again.

"Don't be sorry. You can't imagine how long I've been waiting to kiss you." He says in a completely calm voice as he holds my hands, warming them up a slight bit.

I let out a relieved sigh, smiling and replying, "I'm happy you got your wish."

"Aren't you two just adorable," A third voice makes me jump and Sans' eye to light up amber red.

He guides me behind him as we both turn to see who was talking to us, only to see Undyne and her minion. I begin shaking a little bit, remembering what had happened the last time I had seen her scaly face. Sans is clearly pissed off as he asks, "What in the name of Asgore himself do you want, Undyne?"

"That attack yesterday... I found it odd that it was the two monsters who had been causing Frisk trouble."

My eyes widen, and I realize that she was right: it was that green fur that I could never forget that was barely identifiable underneath the blood. It was that snake-scaled monster who was the one that tripped me, though he was hardly recognizable from the scratches all over his body.

"I was wondering if you knew anything, pal." She says with venom lacing every word and I shiver, not from the cold, but from the terror. 

"I know nothing. We were both at home when Papyrus was called. He can back us up, too, if you're so into investigating this case."

She laughs with menace, taking a few steps towards us. "I just wanted an excuse to beat you up, skeleton. And your little girlfriend, too."

"You will not hurt Frisk," I can see the light from the flame reflecting on the snow: he was too emotional to be using his powers right now. "I will kill you and your so-called friend before that ever happens."

"Says the monster who was going to give her up for his other human lover," Undyne begins circling us, grinning wider than I had seen before.

"Shut up, Undyne, before I really give you a bad time." He raises his hands slightly, barely holding back what could only be described as a hell-raiser of attacks.

"You really think that you can take me? You're weak and very easily killable. Plus, I'm not your only enemy. Even if you escape, these woods aren't safe, even though you desire for them to be safe."

I glance over my shoulder as I hear a twig snap, and three more monsters emerge. I can not believe my eyes as they step forward: it was the two monsters who had been attacked before, and a third one that had been shouting at other Sans and me when we were walking to the house.

"H-how...?" The words escape from my lips briefly, my voice nothing higher than a whisper.

"Do you really think that they would be beaten up like that? Pfft, you really are stupid, human. Look-alikes are fairly easy to find down here, especially when you have a clueless scientist as a best friend."

"That's it," Sans raises both of his hands and sends attacks whirling towards Undyne, the three on my side charging as he sent said attacks.

I grab Sans and pull him to the side as they charge where we were standing only mere seconds ago. I start running, expecting Sans to follow me. After a few seconds, I glance over my back and see that he is still attacking Undyne, and I the three others had followed me. I can feel tears building up in my eyes as I continue to run, the first night I had met them flooding my memory as I swiftly dodge trees.

It was only my second month in the Underground, and I had gotten lost coming back from a visit with Napstablook. The green, snake-scaled monster had grabbed my arm and pulled me into a cavern, throwing me to the ground. I had hit my head on a sharp rock, the feeling of cold blood running down the back of my head and down to my neck. I could hear faint ringing and the world was a tad blurry as the green-haired monster had picked me up by the collar of my shirt, giving me a hard punch to the stomach.

I cough as he drops me, holding a hand to my stomach as they chat about something. I am able to set myself upright as they turn back to me, approaching me once again.

I try to use my legs to push me back, but I am met with the damp wall of rock behind me. By the end of it, they had left me bruised, bleeding, and terrified I might die. All alone, in a hidden cavern, slowly bleeding out. I hadn't called out: I knew that if I called out they would only do worse if that was possible with the amount of pain I was in. Somehow, I was able to crawl my way out of the cave and all the way to the original path I was on. Thank Asgore that the skelebros had gotten suspicious and had started looking for me.

I threw a rock near them, barely able to do such a simple motion. Once they saw me Sans ran over, tears in his eyes, and Papyrus started storming around to looking for the culprits. Sans carried me to the house, my arms weakly wrapped around his neck so that he didn't drop me. Not that he would have.

I still have scars from that day. One scar underneath my right eye, only around the length of a fingernail and as thin as one too. There was a scar on my left leg near the shin, a few scars on my back, and a scar where they had broken my wrist to the point a bone had stuck out. It was a miracle that my hand had healed so well, Alphys had told me during a "checkup."

I was not going to let them have their way with me again. I was not going to let myself get that hurt again. I would rather die.

Sans' POV:

I knew that I should have gone with Frisk. I knew that she was scared: I could feel her shaking, I could see the horror in her eyes. I knew that I should have followed her, run with her so that I could teleport us both to safety. Something deep inside me was keeping me here, though. Maybe it was the fact that Undyne had kept Chara from me for years, used her against me to turn against another human, and then caused more chaos for the both of us. Maybe it was the fact that she taunted Papyrus in attempts to get his position, whether that was through sabotage, verbal taunts, or something else. Maybe it was the fact that I had a bit of blood lust after avoiding hurting people for so often.

Whatever the reason was, I was in front of her, dodging and sending attacks left, right, up, down, and center.

"I will not let you kill someone I love again," I shout, feeling my energy draining extremely fast.

"Watch me," She shoots back and I can hear a whoosh as it nicks the side of my skull.

Everything stops for just a few seconds, our attacks hovering mid-air as a mixture of blood and bone marrow slowly drips out of the cut on the side of my skull. Undyne looks a little shocked... like she had played the alpha in this situation, but never meant to hurt me.

Within a few more seconds I am in front of her and her soul is in my grasp, and I throw her back and against a tree. Her little side-kick attempts to head butt me, but I grab his head and take his momentum to the ground. He isn't hurt, but he now has a face-full of snow.

I walk over to Undyne as she attempts to get back up, looking sore and definitely hurt.

"If you ever try to hurt Frisk, Papyrus, or me again," I say to her in a low, deadly tone. "I will kill you."

She nods, leaning against the tree, her eyes wide as I walk off. My Soul skips a beat as I hear a loud, piercing scream.


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