Chapter 10: The Interlude II

Start from the beginning

Cain is more... Firm than me, He's very careful about who he let's go home but this means patients who I would say are well enough to go home, would be here for extra time (in my opinion).

For example: Jo is here for a behavioral disorder called BPD and she's improved a lot since she got here, while she still has a long way to go, I believe she's stable enough to go home.

Cain, on the other hand, doesn't agree.

"Hiya! Cas," Meg says, stepping into my office. I feel my stomach jump as she walks into my office, hopefully she doesn't know about me and dean-

"Oh... Hello, Meg. How are you today?" I ask, trying to be polite.

"I'm good, uh.." She pauses, tucking hair behind her ear. "Listen, Clarence..." She walks carefully over and sits in one of the chairs in front of my desk, "Would you wanna go to dinner with me this weekend?"

The question takes me by surprise, why would Meg ask somebody like me out?

"Uh..." I mutter, dumbfounded.

I could say yes, while I prefer men, I still do like women... but I'm unsure, I haven't been on a date forever.

"Cas?" She asks, squinting at me and smiling, "Did I break you?"

"I- uh... Sure!" I say, before Immediately cringing at myself. Why can't I say no!

"Awesome!" She grins, it's predatory and hungry. "How about I text you on Saturday and we can decide a place and time?"

I nod, wanting the ground to swallow me up.

"Okay, see ya later, Clarence." She gives a flutter finger wave and heads back to the office.

I lean forward and put my head on the desk. God dammit.


I didn't see Dean until our therapy session at 10:30.

I was... shamefully happy to see him.

He didn't seem upset though, he grinned prettily at me and gave a shy "hi," when I walked into the rec room.

"Hello, Dean." I respond, looking at his dull eyes and pretty smile. "Let's go to the spare room."

He nods and stands from the couch from where he's sitting next to Charlie watching TV.

"How was your day?" I ask, looking over at Dean.

God, he's cute-

"It was good... My night was even better." He says, looking down shyly.

I huff out a small laugh to let him know I'm listening.

After opening the door for him and stepping into the room, we sit on the floor together.

"What would you like to talk about today?" I ask, tilting my head at him.

"Uhm... I dunno, you decide." He replies, blushing.

While Dean's in lunch, I go visit Gabriel for help, he's always a good advice giver, it's surprising considering how many impulsive things he does daily.

I take my ham sandwich and low-calorie potato chips into the kitchen of the cafeteria.

Gabriel's sitting on a stool in the middle of the room, eating a sandwich with one hand and scrolling on his phone with the other. 

Instead of saying hello I just pull out the stool next to him and sit down,

"Heya, Cassie." He says, his mouth full of Nutella and peanut butter.

"I did something... mildly stupid and I need your advice." I start, pulling out my sandwich and taking a small bite.

"Oh no, don't tell me you ignored my advice and sent that boy home anyway." He says, turning serious.

"No, no... I just cuddled with him,"

Gabriel's eyebrows furrow, he set his sandwich and phone down and turned towards me. "...I.. huh?"

"I cuddled with Dean and slept in his bed and I feel like I took advantage of him. Help me?"

Gabriel smiled and shook his head in amusement, "Only you, Cassie."

"Just help me...please?"

"Did you try telling him how you felt? You're the therapist, you should know to try that first," he replies, chuckling and taking a bite of his sandwich.

"I don't want to upset him,"

"Well, maybe hiding how you feel from him would upset him more than cuddling him..?" Gabe says, raising an eyebrow, "There isn't much you can do, Cassie, it happened for whatever reason, just try not to hurt his feelings when you talk to him.."

"Why would I hurt his feelings?" I ask, feeling unsure.

"Well, you might have given the impression you.. had a crush on him? I could be wrong, but when I was 18 I thought people who showed even the smallest amount of kindness was in love with me.." He snickers, shaking his head again.

I nod shamefully.

What if I wanted Dean to think I liked him? ...I don't... He's my patient and 7 years younger than me.

He has a long way to go before he leaves but... Hypothetically, if I did... like him, would it be so bad?

I wouldn't try anything while he's here, obviously. He needs to focus on getting better...

"Don't think so hard, I don't think he's capable of hating you," Gabriel says, his phone now in his hand. "Just go talk to him during recreation, and again, don't be harsh! Even when you're not trying, you have a resting bitch face, so be careful!"

I squint at him and nod before going back to my sandwich.


After lunch I didn't have time to talk to Dean because Sam was dropped off for visiting hours.

Hannah went with them to the spare room to monitor,

I had an appointment with Gilda in a half an hour so instead of waiting for them to finish visiting I decided to go to my office and prepare for the appointment.

It didn't take long to do that so afterwards I cleaned up a bit while trying not to think about dean.

What if I did like him?

What if...?


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2019 ⏰

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