Chapter 6:A Blessing Not A Curse

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Sam's POV

When we got to school today, everyone was looking at me and Danny in shock as they noticed the second ring on my finger, even Mr. Lancer was shocked but Paulina was more angry than shocked.


"Paulina". I say trying to calm. "Tell me does Danny like you".

"He, he should we're the perfect match". Paulina says calming down a smidge.

"Does Danny like you". I say trying to get Paulina to answer the question.

"N, no". She says sadly. "He-he loves you".

"Paulina". I say as I put a hand on her shoulder hands. "Danny may not love you but lets be honest you only loved Danny Phantom not Danny Fenton".

"Yeah". She says wiping her tears away. "I guess you're right to love someone you have to love both sides of them not just one, I guess that's why you two are a couple.

"Paulina". I say comforting. "You know deep down that you and Danny aren't meant to be together, but I'm sure there is someone out their just waiting for you".

"You, you think so". Paulina says stuttering.

"I know so". I say confidently.

Then Paulina does the most unexpected thing possible, something I thought she didn't even know how to do, she hugs me.

"Thank you Sam". Paulina says whilst hugging me.

"Uh". I say confused. "Don't mention it?"

Paulina then pulls away and gets a little embarrassed.

"Uh". Paulina says embarrassed. "Please don't tell anyone about what just happened".

"Well". I laugh. "Since you asked so nicely".

"Ha". Paulina says sarcastically. "Just know that im over Danny thanks to you, I'll probaly just go out with Dash now".

"Whatever you think is right". I say happily as I leave the bathroom. "See you later Paulina".

"See ya Sam". Paulina says happily.

As I leave the bathroom and head to my locker I bump into Tucker who instantly notices my ring.

"Oh so that what everyone's been talking about". Tucker says figuring it out. "Congratulations, when's the wedding".

"Thanks and the same day as Danny's coronation". I say a bit quickly.

"Oh okay". He says not too surprised. "I guess that would make things easier by the way whens the honey moon".

To answer his question I slap him on the back of his head then pull him over to Danny who was at his locker.

"What did you do this time Tuck". Danny says as we walk over to him.

"I was just messing with ya Sam". Tucker says as he rubs his ear. "So what did you and Danny want to talk to me about".

"Well". Danny says whilst blushing a little. "Last night after you left the Guys In White came to mine and gave me and Sam a folder that belonged to Vlad".

"Really". Tucker says excitedly. "What did it say".

"Well". I say. "Basically it said that Vlad used both Danny's and my DNA to make Dani therefore making her our daughter".

"Wow". Tucker says shocked. "Do you're parents know?"

"Yeah". Danny answers. "And just in case you ask, yes they know about the proposal and yes the agreed with it".

The Phantom King (a Danny Phantom Phan-Fiction) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now