Chapter 15: Refelections

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After the funeral, I went to talk to Obi-Wan one last time. He was in the security center of Theed Palace.

"Master, I have some questions for you. What is to become of Luke and Leia?" I asked.

"They are to become Jedi and save the Republic. Your main responsibility is to make sure Leia does not get discovered by the Emperor or Darth Vader."

"But Anakin-"

"Let's not say his name anymore. It relives memories that do not need to be relived. Anakin Skywalker was betrayed and murdered by Darth Vader. That's not what most people are looking for, but it is the truth from a certain point of view."

"Master, can we please talk about his past for a moment?"

"He never told you anything, did he?"

"No. The only thing I know is that he was once a slave. You told me that when we were dealing with those Zyggerian slavers. Otherwise, I have no idea."

"Anakin and his mother were sold into slavery by the Hutts. Master Qui-Gon and I were on a mission protecting the Queen of Naboo, Padme, when our ship's hyperdrive was damaged and we landed on Tatooine. Qui-Gon went into Mos Eisley to get some parts for the ship. He met Anakin and took his blood sample for a midichlorian count. He had me take the reading, and it was higher than any known Jedi."

"Even Master Yoda?"

"Yes. Even Master Yoda. Qui-Gon then let Anakin compete in the annual Boonta Eve pod race to help win the parts we needed. He won, and we replaced the hyperdrive. Qui-Gon freed Anakin, and he came with us. Once Qui-Gon died, Anakin became my apperntice."

"Wow. That explains why he never told me anything about his past. Pardon me for asking, but how did Qui-Gon die?"

"Another touchy subject. He was killed by Darth Maul. I stood there behind a ray sheild watching. Once the sheild deactivated, I dueled Maul alone and cut him in half. We thought he had died, but he came back and tried to kill me with his brother Savage. He....did some horrible things to someone I was close to while I was on Mandalore trying to stop him. I don't know the rest of his story. I would assume that he is still the supreme dictator of Mandlore, or something like that."

"I'm sorry, master, I had no idea."

"While you are on Alderaan, protect Leia at all costs. Tutor her. See if she is force-sensitive. I will be contacting you every day with training for both you and Ventress. Remember, you are NOT to rebuild the order. You are to keep Leia safe."

"Understood. I appreciate you help, master. Thank you."

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