Chapter 3

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Jessica's POV

The third bell of the day rings and it's finally time for lunchbreak. I'm fucking starving excuse my language. Students gawking at me when I walk through the school hallways on my way to the cafeteria.

All I could really think about is Kim Taeyeon the new girl. I can't believe a stranger as her has such an effect on me. Why is she on my mind ever since this morning when I bumped into her.

What is she doing to me? Why am I suddenly feeling all these emotions? Why does it feel like my stomach is about to explode into a million pieces? Why is my heart beating so fast?

The hardest thing about this is probably that I either will never find out or that I will find out soon and honestly, I don't think I'm ready for that.

Arriving at the cafeteria I walk to the table in the middle of the cafeteria where I sometimes sit at. Alone yes. No one in school has the courage to sit beside me or with me. It's not like I want them too.

I text one of the cafeteria ladies who always makes me lunch saying that I've arrived and would like my food asap. I'm hungry and tired from sitting in class doing nothing.

I look around the cafeteria to look for the new girl, but I couldn't find her yet and then I suddenly notice three girls in a cheerleader uniform approaching my table. Oh god... Tiffany not when I'm hungry.

The two other minions are Tiffany's closes friends. Im Yoona and Lee Sunny. I fucking hate them.

They take a seat in front of me and put their plates on the table. The cafeteria was quiet and like always all the students paid attention to me.

I could've walked away to my private room and tell the cafeteria lady to bring it there had it not been for the smirk on Tiffany's face. She's up to something and for the first time I'm curious to know what.

''Jessica, how was your summer break? '' Tiffany says and her two other minions staring at me. It's comical how she thinks I'm actually about to start a conversation with her. I look her straight in the eyes and didn't answer the question atleast not when I'm hungry.

She furrowed her eyebrows she looks annoyed. '' I asked you a question it's rude not to answer. Did your father teach you any manners? '' Tiffany says. Ouch... that hit a nerve, but I won't show that it did.

I won't show any signs of weakness luckily the cafeteria lady came with my food and my mood was enlightened. I take a few bites of my French fries and burger and chew on it slowly.

'' That's so disgusting burgers can kill you, but I wouldn't be surprised if you try to kill yourself. With your past and all. '' Sunny says.

Well wasn't that a low blow. I stare the minion down and I can feel she started getting uncomfortable. Tiffany nudged her softly warning her to never say a thing again. I can't let this go right people? I should say something.

'' Tiffany control your minions before I do. '' My stare wasn't intentionally cold my face just lacks the gentleness that other have. '' Don't tell me what to do. Let's go girls. '' Tiffany says and looked at me with angry eyes. They all stand up and go back to their own table.

I quickly finish my food ten minutes before lunchbreak is over. The rest of the time I'll spend in my private room. I turn around from my seat and come face to face with the new girl Kim Taeyeon and her new founded friends.

I couldn't stop staring. Staring that's all I've been doing today. Staring at this beautiful angel god has blessed me with. I know totally exaggerating I'm just making sure you understand what I'm feeling right now. I stand up from my seat and leave the cafeteria.

After two classes it's finally time for the last class. Unfortunately, the last class is mixed with students from other classes and it got even more noisier than before.

All the cheerleaders and all the jocks are in the same class now and it honestly feels like hell. Few of the jocks even try to flirt with the new girl Kim Taeyeon and she shyly giggles. Why does she enjoy things like that?

I can't even bare the view. I place my arms on the table and my head on my arms, close my eyes and slowly drift to sleep. After a few minutes but honestly it felt like 2 hours I was suddenly awakened by a loud bang and people yelling.

I lift my head up and turn my head to the loud commotion. I see two group of people facing each other, pointing fingers, lightly pushing and yelling in each other faces.

One side is full with the cheerleaders and jocks Tiffany at the front, while the other side I recognized as the same people who sat with Taeyeon at lunch. Looking clearly I see Taeyeon behind one of the girls whose yelling at one of the cheerleaders.

She looks terrified. I guess seeing her that way snapped something into me because before I even realized I was in between the two groups and it became quiet.

I sigh. '' Explain. '' I spread my two arms to the two groups and then place one hand on my hip. They all started talking and not even one word explained why my Taeyeon is looking terrified.

And then I heard it. '' They keep bothering Taeyeon and hid her belongings somewhere but won't give it back. '' it was hard to hear but I caught it. I don't even have to be told who 'they' is because I can already figure that out by the eye rolls the three girls at the cheerleaders side showed.

I grab Tiffany by the hand and drag her out of the classroom. Shock was written on the students faces. They had no idea where I was dragging her to and I honestly had no idea either.

But the only place where I can peacefully talk to her is in my private room even though I don't like people in there it's my only option right now.

I grab two chairs and place them across from each other. '' Sit. ''. She hesitated to sit down. '' Now. '' I said with a sharp tone.

Didn't have to say it twice and she sat down facing me but not looking at me '' Annoy me. ''.

She didn't budge, rolled her eyes and leaned back on her seat. '' Can't do it with your squad behind you. '' I frowned. She turned her head and we made eye-contact.

'' Why do you even c... '' I interrupted before she could even finish that sentence. '' Do you even know how immature you portray yourself as cheerleading captain? '' I ask.

She didn't reply. '' Do you even know how that makes your cheerleading squad look like out of school in cheerleading competitions when they hear how you behave towards the same students of the school you support... cheer for? '' I ask.

Again no reply. '' They would consider you pathetic. The typical American high school cheerleaders. Slutty and mean. Bullies. Possibly every bad word existing in the dictionary... '' I look her straight in the eye.

She frowned. '' Is that how you want people to see you? Is that how you want your father to see you? '' I ask. '' You do know I can make sure your father knows about it right ?. ''

That triggered something because she immediately sat up and looked terrified. '' You won't do that. '' Tiffany says. '' Try me. '' I say. Frustrated she angrily stood up from the chair and turned her back on me. She kept quiet for awhile.

'' What do you want from me. '' She turns back around and faces me her whole face red with anger.

I sigh. '' Who you use to be, Miyeon. That's all I want. '' 

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