Chapter 2

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Hello again...

Envys Pov

' ugh that fullmetal pipsqueak is doing something I guess...? ' It was finally my turn to speak deep breath " Hi my names Envy I'm 16 and I am a homunculus " Edward had a shocked but calm expression on his face and everyone around me gasped in shock and a couple of jerks were chuckling at that fact that I was a homunculus. Once we finished saying our names and age we all went to class. I walked to class 3a and inside I saw that fullmetal pipsqueak sitting in my classroom. I went to the teacher " Hello my names..Mr.Tenre " he said with a disgusted look on his face when he looked at my tie. I went to the only empty seat which was next to Edward Elric 'ugh why do I have to sit next to this shorty'

At lunch
(Still Envys Pov)

I sat on one of the seats on a corner table where noone was sitting. As I ate the lunch that was made for me by the lunch lady I was interrupted by some guy?girl?? He shoved me off the table putting me and my food on the floor. "What was that for" I said angrily "Hommonculus should go to prison" he replied. I ate the remaining food that wasnt dirty and went up to the lunch lady "Hi I spilled my food on the floor may I have some more?" I said putting my tray infront of her with a smile, she looked at me then went to the back kitchen room. I then walked to the field to relax underneath a tree as I sat against the tree I heard some music playing I looked at the other side of the tree and saw the group that shoved me and my food to the ground I tried to walk away until I heard someone shout "Hey its the hommonculus" I felt a chill run down my spine and ran as fast as I could luckily I escaped just in time. The bell rang and instead of going to class I ran home.

When I came back I came back expecting it to be empty but everyone was there "Why are you all here" they all had tears in their eyes with Greed talking to ling/himself everyone had tears in their eyes Lust ran up to me and gave me a hug "Everyone came home because we were all hurt in a different way..." Said Lust holding me in her arms we all came together for one big hug crying all our eyes out

Edwards Pov
At lunch

I joined some other new kids and sat down and ate my food yet I heard some commotion happening in the corner of the lunch room I didn't bother I just saw someone who I think tripped and spilled their food after Lunch we had gym my socks were missing so I didnt wear any. While we were in Gym I was doing my usual sparring with this time a dummy the teacher eyed me up and down and continued 'Wheres Envy I'm sure I saw him earlier?' I then saw something unsettling a girl staring at me while sniffing something in her palm.

Sorry its so short I'll upload a longer one in at least 2 days sorry again
-Senpai Writes

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