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Why do you bother me?

Why are you insulting me?

But I tell you that I do not do any harm.

But I tell you that it is you who do evil.

Why do you criticize the profiles in black, and then criticize me?

Am I the typical profile in black?

I'm not even a black profile.

The smartest will notice.

To the readers of Fanfics.

What are you doing?

Just read?

Well I tell you not only read

You are destroying your ability to see the truth.

Why do you do it?

They are your human instincts of pleasure.

You have to eradicate them.

Destroy them.

You hide your eyes from the truth.

You are plunging into lies.

Hypocrite me?


You laugh and make fun of my words.

You read only for pleasure.

As if this were a Fanfic anymore.

Decis: "But how are we going to believe you if you just say nonsense?"

You look at me and turn around as if I did not exist.

You do not take into account what I write.

You see it just as fun.

I bear witness to the Truth.

None of you knows the Truth.

But you can be saved.

You can always be saved.

Why do you obstinate?

To the readers of this book.

To get started.

This is not a set.

If someone comments something obscene, do not respond.

It is your criterion, it is not touched.

As your criterion, it is not corrupted.

The mind does not change easily.

Beware of obscene comments.

Neither listen to them, nor respond.

To the people who conspire against me.

Keep conspiring.

Do you believe important?

I am not older than anyone.

You are not older than anyone.

And you call me a hypocrite?

Honestly, you pity me.

Your temptation is incorruptible.

There is still a possibility that you can be saved.

Every day.

The_Prophet (English)Where stories live. Discover now