Friends (Part 14)

236 41 8

I had so much fun with this MAP part!!
Honestly PMV MAPs are my jam tbh

And I think I'm improving with them :) my tweening was better on this one than my other two MAP parts—at least, I think so.

Hand-drawn animation doesn't look too terrible either, so that's good :)

Characters in order: Sparkfoot, Onyx, Shadestar

Basic story:
Onyx (now Onyxgaze, but she was just Onyx then) and her group, formerly rogues living at the edge of SageClan's borders, have just joined the Clan at Shadestar's request. Sparkfoot, Shadestar's fiercely proud, hotheaded son is enraged at the addition in the Clan's ranks, claiming rogue blood will 'taint' the Clan, if 'they all don't kill us in out sleep first'. He argues with Onyxgaze, both cats enraged at the other, and when it almost comes to blows, Shadestar intervenes, pinning her son down and reminding him that this is her and Onyx's decision to make, and that he'd do well to just get over it and 'move on'.

I'm not sure if I already posted the story—sorry if I have ^^'

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