It Can't Be

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"Holdon so you know who's the captain of the quidditch team?"

"Oh yeah, he's down there. Caleb Mullet, amazing player.
He's only ever lost 3 games in his 7 years. Plus Skyler has a crush on him."


"Mhmm." I replied," Sure."

"I see what you're doing. You're doing what I did to you last night."

"I would never," I said making it look obvious I was.

"Well you like Tom," she replied in an annoying I'm right voice.

"I'm just gonna go." Holdon said right before leaving the great hall.

"Ps I don't like Tom and I'm going for a picnic." I said right before leaving.


Walking down to the lake with my basket, all happy and cheerful I sit on my old rock. Odd how a rock has memories but this one does, like when Trey broke up with me. I cried for weeks because of that jerk. Then after Cho broke up with Harry and when Ron got mad at Hermione during the Yule ball. Sitting down on my rock I open my picnic basket and feel a weird sensation. It felt weird like I didn't want to eat, I felt like hiding in a hole, and—

"Hello Seraphina." said a mix of a honey brown and hazel eyed boy.

"Hello Riddle." I said while shooting a patronus out of my wand. Watching a little patronus puppy run around I see Tom sit down next to me out of the corner of my eye. I had such a huge urge to punch him in the gut but then I'd get in trouble and it wouldn't feel as satisfying if he didn't know he was evil. As a sudden breeze goes by I pull my knees to my chest and wrap my arms around them, still shivering. I feel Tom put his jacket around me," Thanks" I said giving him once again another light smile.

"No problem." he said giving me a light smile.

Staring back off to the distance and dozing off my eyelids get heavy. Closing my eyes for a second couldn't hurt unless I fall asleep. I bury my head in my knees and close my eyes dreaming.

"Cedric run he's coming"


Blast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Cedric fell to the ground motionless and cold. Harry looked just as terrified and—

I woke up in my bed and sat right up. I felt the cold sweat drip down my face and started hyperventilating. I keep on having the same dream where Cedric dies and Voldemort returns. This is my chance I can save him before all these lives die. The suns rising up out the window and dang it Skyler's up. Rubbing my forehead and thinking of how I got here Skyler came out of the bathroom.

"How'd I get here?" I asked.

"Tom carried you up." she replied.

"Oh," I said," Wait a second, Tom?"

"Yeah he also said he kissed you."


"I'm kidding sheesh."

We talked for a while and eventually everybody else in our dorm woke up. They were all mad for us waking them up even though it's 7:30 and we're supposed to be in the great hall, for breakfast.

Breakfast wasn't as good as usual and I saw Skyler kiss Holdon so I bet she loved breakfast. It was weird, I felt lonely as if everyone else in the world was cut off. I picked up a piece of toast and ate it, but I couldn't help but wander my eyes to one boy. A certain boy, perhaps special but terrifying at the same time cute. A murderer, a psychopath, someone who deserves death, at the same time cute, charming. All together, Tom and he was walking right towards me. Sliding out of my seat and trying to walk faster and where can I go where he can't pounce me. Classroom, but it's the weekend. Library, he'll do it anyway. Stay, he won't care. Perfect it came to me the girls bathroom, he doesn't have an excuse for that and even if he did it wouldn't do anything. Walking faster and faster trying to get to the girls bathroom I slowed down and turned sharply on a empty corridor. Nobody's here for a witness and he gaining on me.

I broke into a run along the empty corridor and so did he. I can't run anymore it hurts. I had to slow down which I did. He grabbed my wrist ever so tight and pulled me back which almost made me fall.

"What do you want Riddle?" I asked while trying to get my hand out of his grip.

"Look you've been chosen to be a prefect like me and here's the schedule for this month." Tom said with a grin on his face. I took the schedule from his hand and looked down at it. "Now whichever name is next to yours is your partner for the month." he said.

He walked off so I can go wherever now but instead I looked down at the parchment.


I can't believe it I'm stuck with Tom all night.


The rest of the day was a drag and I was invited to Slughorn's party. It was time for the rounds and Tom was late. Of course. I was walking towards a 3rd year to make him go back to bed when I felt a shiver up my spine. It had to be Tom he's the only one that could make me do that. I turned fast enough to see Tom about to walk right into me. I wasn't fast enough and he bumped into me. I backed away and he looked up but he looked sorta guilty and sad. I walked back over to the 3rd year.

"What are you doing out of bed?" I asked him and he turned to me and looked at my robes.

"Thank you." I gave him a confused look," I forgot the password to the Gryffindor common room." I gave him a nod and led him up the stairs to the common room.

"Licorice straw," I said right before the portrait opened. I went back down to where Tom was and was still there with his head still down.

One Second Was All it TookTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon