Part 11

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Brian's POV

I waited for him to reply. He looked at me like I had an extra head, but it wasn't such an odd question. Maybe this wasn't new for him, maybe he liked Freddie before too, why else would he kiss him back?

Roger's POV
"I can't believe you'd ask that" I couldn't hold back the angry grin that formed on my face.
"Well you aren't denying it" Brian said calmly. I could tell he didn't want things to get out of hand.
"I can kiss whoever I want Brian, you know that most of them don't even mean anything to me. Freddie was comforting me because you made me so angry that I wanted to drive home, but he wouldn't let me. He leaned in and kissed me and I didn't stop him because in the moment I felt slightly wanted, he was being a friend and I needed to get some of my anger out. It was hardly a kiss, but if I want to do it again you can bet I will because right now I hate you" I didn't even stop to catch my breath.
Brian looked back at me in shock. I was fuming mad so I sort of stretched the truth just to see if I could hurt him. I didn't hate him, well maybe a little bit, but I could never REALLY hate him. Especially after everything.
"Rog.." Brian stood a step closer to me.
"You don't really hate me, do you?" he stuttered, I thought he might've been about to cry.
"I'll see you when we go to the studio and on tour, but other than that I just can't for a while. Too weird now" I rushed into the house and looked around. A phone hung on the wall of the kitchen and I managed to call a taxi. I walked back outside where Brian stood leaned up against his car. Why wouldn't he just leave already?
Once he saw that I was outside he walked over to me again. I wanted to avoid him, but there was no way to do so without seeming suspicious. Once he got close, I could see his eyes were a bit red.
"Rog, please don't hate me. You're my best friend, I don't want anything to change that" he whispered.
"You convinced me that you really liked me, you used me" I spat, unsure if I even believed it.
"I did NOT pretend at all, for the first time.." he trailed off, his eyes watering. He turned away to try to hide it.
"Then why are you going back to Chrissie?" I felt as though I might cry as well.

Brian's POV
"Then why are you going back to Chrissie" his voice cracked. I wanted to tell him that I wanted him, but it was hard to even admit to myself.

Roger's POV
"Bri, please" this time I felt a tear roll down my cheek, I quickly turned my head and wiped it away, but Brian saw it.
"How would this ever work?" Brian asked. This gave me a sense of hope, but not much.
"You would live with me, we'd figure out whatever is going on between us and nothing else would matter." I smiled to him.
"That sounds like a lovely dream" Brian said, but he still looked sad.
I stepped closer to him, knowing that people wouldn't take me seriously in drag anyway. Brian looked around and then to me as if to say "what the fuck are you doing?"
"Bri I want you and I don't want to share" I whispered to him.

Brian's POV
Okay that was hot.

Roger's POV
Brian's face turned red, he was obviously very into me, maybe only sexually though.
"She said you could take as long as you need, come back to mine with me. I will do whatever you want" I slid my hand up his thigh. I didn't want to have to persuade him this way, I hoped that I would be enough, but I guess not.
"Fuck Rog" Brian removed my hand and looked around.

Brian's POV
I want him so fucking bad. Why is he so hot?

Roger's POV
He obviously wanted me. But would he cave?

Brian's POV
I was about to make a huge mistake and I knew it, but I couldn't ignore my heart.... and other parts. No matter what my brain was telling me.

Roger's POV
"Get in my car, someone else can take your taxi" Brian spat. Was he really angry at me. I laughed out loud and although he wanted to seem angry, like I forced him into this. I could tell he was happy about it, he could go back to Chrissie another day and I would have to deal with the hurt then.
I got in and sat down, still giggling. He began to drive back to my place and I just watched him. He had one hand on the wheel, the other bopping up and down to the beat of whatever song was on the radio. The streetlights and headlights of other cars illuminated part of his face occasionally and his eyes looked like crystals.
"You're so beautiful Brian May" I put my hand on his. He tensed up but then calmed down and smirked.

Brian's POV
How could someone as beautiful as Roger, who was quite aware of his own beauty by the way, think that I was beautiful? My heart began to beat faster and faster and I sped up a bit, eager to get to our place. Through my peripheral vision I could see Roger's smile get bigger. He knew exactly why I started driving faster. That little cunt knew exactly what he was doing to me. Could he possibly love me, he couldn't have been doing this simply because he thought I was beautiful.
We got to our place a little while later and we both entered as quickly as we could, slamming the door behind us. I could tell that this night was about to change both of our lives for good. I just hoped I wouldn't regret it. How would I leave after this?

Roger's POV
I needed to do whatever it took to make him stay.
I think I might have loved that goddamn curly-haired idiot.
I'd have to tell him or show him. Then he could do whatever he wanted with that information and I'd have to deal with it. He would no longer think of me as some gay fling with his feminine best friend that he needed to forget. That knowledge would change everything. I just had to make sure that I did love him.  Who was I kidding? I loved him so much, maybe I always had, but never thought of the possibility and therefore dismissed it as a kind of brotherly love. He cared for me and was the kindest and most gentle person I'd ever met. Not to mention he was quite hot in the bedroom. How could someone be so beautiful, cute and hot at the same time?

I had to tell him.

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