Part 81

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Freddie's POV
Brian and Roger stood in front of me, waiting for me to reply. I didn't want to say anything about the hotel, I wanted it to be between Deaky and I, but I knew they wouldn't stop so I thought I'd give them something.
"We were both drunk by the time we got there" I started, seeing both of their faces light up. It made me sick, they were acting like they were watching a movie.
"What happened next?" Brian nudged me in the shoulder.
"We went to sleep" I said in annoyance.
"You're lying" Roger folded his arms across his chest.
"After kissing a little bit.." I admitted.
"I knew something happened—-" Brian started, but I wasn't finished, "then I shagged him and we fell asleep" I walked away.
I could tell that their eyes were popping out of their heads without even seeing them.
"Why'd you do that?" Roger caught up to me, looking a bit suspicious, as if I might've been lying. I didn't mind.
"Because we wanted to, don't go parenting me. At least we had a date first" I did a swatting motion, signalling for him to back off.
"So... everything is alright with you two then?" He asked.
"Yes" I rolled my eyes.

Roger's POV
I couldn't believe what I'd heard, even though I knew deep down that I thought it might've happened it felt weird hearing it out loud.
As long as they were happy, I didn't mind. I believe Freddie and was no longer scared that it didn't mean as much to him as it might have to Deaky. It was weird to think that we were all taken... and by each other. I looked back to see Brian sitting on the couch, I wondered if he was still in shock as well. He looked a little on edge. He shook his knee the way he would when he got nervous and my stomach turned when I realized that it definitely wasn't from what he'd just heard.
I walked over to him, sitting down as close to him as I could, place a hand on his knee. It steadied.
"What is it?" I questioned, rubbing my hand back and forth.
"My parents called. I have to see them... they know" a tear slipped down his cheek as he said it. He quickly wiped it away and stood up, leaving the room.
My heart sank.

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