"Peter," I whispered again, walking over to him.

He still didn't wake up. I saw his hands tighten holding his pillow, his veins bulging from his arms. I saw his sweat pooled on his forehead, his face set in a sleepful grimace. "Don't," he said.

He's having a nightmare. I can't blame him.

"Peter?," I whispered, and I reached my arm out, lightly touching his shoulder to attempt to wake him up.

Only it didn't.

As soon as I touched him, I felt my breath leave my body. Something sucked it right out of me, and suddenly I couldn't see anything but a bright, white light.

I blinked. I was back in the place from my dream. The bright light faded into an overhead ceiling, illuminating a long, white hallway with tile floors. In the middle of it, a few feet away from me, stood the little girl, still holding the teddy bear.

She looked to be about six, she had short, tangled black hair that brushed over her face and shoulders. She wore a small, faded blue dress, with no shoes. Her eyes were jet black, and her cheeks were sunken in. She stared at me, through me, with a blank, emotionless stare.

They died for a reason, she said. But she wasn't looking at me.

I turned around and saw Peter standing there, staring straight at the little girl.

He can't see me. I turned back to the little girl, she hadn't moved. Oh my god, I'm in a dream. His dream.

"No they didn't," Peter said, his voice echoing off the walls. "There wasn't a reason. It was my fault. I made a mistake and they died for it."

But you wouldn't have learned, the girl said, her head tilting to the left. And you wouldn't be here.

"Learned what?," Peter said louder. "That I can disintegrate things? That I can burn holes in people? I never wanted this, any of it!".

But it's here, she said. It's coming for you, It's coming for us, and you have to use it.

Suddenly, black mist began to descend from the ceiling. It darkened and thickened, enveloping the three of us. I felt it wrap around me, choking me, pressing against my body and go straight around my head. I couldn't think, I couldn't breathe.

I turned around to Peter. He still stood there with his eyes closed, fists clenched,  shaking his head. The darkness swirled around his hands, like he was beckoning it. It twirled around him like a tornado.

I opened my mouth to call out to him, but I still couldn't breathe. I started to hear voices. I heard Peter's thoughts.

No, I can't, I won't. Stop it. I don't want to. Leave me alone.

I heard the girls voice. You said you'd help us Alex! Where are you!

Everything got louder and louder. I gasped for air that I couldn't seem to get. I felt myself fall to my knees, covering my ears with my hands.

Make it stop. Make it stop. I can't breathe, I can't breathe, I can't -
I woke up on the floor. I gasped for air, breathing in with my face pressed to the cold, dusty floor. I heard muffled sounds.

"Alex, Alex! Wake up! You have to wake up!"

The room finally came into focus. I saw Peter, crouched over me, his face crossed with concern and worry. Sweat soaked his shirt and the ends of his hair.

I sat up, still gasping and clutching my chest, unable to talk.

He grabbed my shoulders. "It's okay, just breathe, you're safe, you're okay."

I looked up at him, at those hazel eyes, my heartbeat slowed. I started breathing normally.

"What," I said between breaths. "The. Hell."

"I should be asking you that," he said. "I woke up and you were passed out on the ground."

"How long?," I asked.

"A few seconds," he said.

I looked up at him again. "You don't remember?"

His eyebrows furrows. "Remember, what?"

I shook my head. I was in his dream. I was there. I saw it. It was the same girl.

"Something is waiting for us at that Hydra base," I said.

"Something bad."

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