Chapter 2: School Mystery Meet

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If you manifest the word anesthesia into a room, the ISS room would be the result of it. The white washed windows contrasted like a knife to the two rows of three dark brown, wooden desks in the center. Save for a few beige blinded windows in the back , a black desk was the only other colored object within the room.

"The teacher will be in shortly to watch you; have a seat." My escort didn't wait for a reply as he turned and made his way back down the hallway, apparently having more pressing matters to handle. I would rush away from the numbing room too if I could without consequences.

I took a seat in the middle row on the right side. When nobody came in within the next couple of minutes, I decided to lay my head down and rest my eyes until somebody did. Anything was better than staring at the burning white of everything for longer than needed as my mind played out what was to come when my mother came to get me.

My shoulder began to shake around. It took me a moment to realize that somebody was moving me. I hadn't even realized I had fallen asleep.

"Huh...?" Sitting up, I turned toward the person who had disturbed me. I hadn't expected them to be so close that the only thing I could see was ghostly blue eyes widening.

"U-uh, hi..." he cleared his throat, moving his face a little away as he sat in the seat beside me. "I didn't expect anyone else to be in jail with me. What are you in for? You look like a goody-goody to me."

Biting my lip, I tried not to let it curl up in response to his smirk. "Actually, I got in trouble for smashing a window. What are you in for, gum under the desk?"

"Seriously? You're joking." I tried not to crack a smile at his expression. His brows were furrowed in accusation, a few freckles on his nose being tugged upwards by the creases. I noticed a pale, oval scar just below his eyebrow.


"Why I'm here is unimportant. You don't look like somebody who would do anything though, so why are you in here?" He tilted his head slightly, absorbed in his own curiosity. His curly brown locks fell a little into his eyes, but he didn't seem to really notice.

"If you have to know, I was framed for busting a window handle. It's nothing major."

The boy nodded, accepting my response. The next time his eyes moved back to me, he offered a grin. "I'm James."


"Pleasure to meet you" James said, bowing low in his seat dramatically as he grabbed an invisible hand in front of him and kissed it. I let out a quiet laugh, not knowing what to make of him. He was weird for sure, but not in a bad way. Maybe, just maybe, I found somebody I can call a friend. Even if it was unlikely, I'd like to hope for a change that it wasn't impossible.

"You too." Smiling, I realized that I meant it.

Our conversation soon strayed to interests. I found out that just like me, he was an avid reader. He also was really into art and just recently got into writing. The more we talked, the more I liked him. Of all people I could've met today, he was the one. If future me were to look back at this now, I wonder if she'd regret this moment in time.

Our meeting made this day possibly the best I've had in a long, long time. The conversation was cut short for the time being however, when a teacher finally strolled in to babysit us.

"Alright you two, I don't want to hear another word. Work on whatever you brought with you." He sat down at the desk in the front of the room and began to shuffle through some papers. I noted the thinning salt and pepper hair and the smile lines along his face. For an ISS guard, he didn't seem all that threatening.

I had brought nothing to do.

It appeared that James wasn't in the same boat though. I glanced over to see him drawing something in a sketchbook he had pulled from his bag. When he caught me looking, he moved his right arm off the desk and slid the book a bit closer to me so that I could look. Across his paper was a tribal snake about half finished. Its mouth hung open as it hissed at the viewer. If I could've voiced a compliment at his impressive work, I would've. Instead, I smiled and gave a thumbs up in approval. He smiled back before returning to his work.

I returned to nothing more than my own thoughts. The memory of our conversation lingered in my mind, bringing a faint smile to my face. I went over the list of things we had in common, reminding myself of his qualities so I wasn't to forget them anytime soon. We may have just met, but I can't remember a time that somebody has shown so much interest and natural calmness when talking to me. He didn't pity me, he wasn't concerned about me, and he didn't show any signs of using me. It was simply him, me, and a mutual, friendly curiosity.

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